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April - Rairen (April showers have us thinking about poetry' date=' beautiful blooms and our own special FL rose...ahh the sweetness!)[/i']

Aww... :D

Edit: Dear Lord... :eek: My picture has over a thousand hits.

Ahem. If you add up the count totals, the girls (sans Isadora and Eshaine) listed have scored a total of 3,463 hits* on WC's picture page. Imagine if you'd charged a penny a hit, Chey.

Yeah, they're not sunburns, it's just a poor quality scan of my great tan (which is no longer as great as it was) :D

A British guy with a great tan who isn't Sir Richard Branson? That's like finding the tooth fairy in the lair of the abominable snowman. :P

*Disclaimer: Roughly. I'm not going to swear by my math at this hour of the day.

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