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All Dark-Knights Read This


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We are not put on this world to please you Bobcatfan. If you have a problem with someone you feel is killing you for no reason, then note it to the immortals in game or on prayer forum. That is what they are there for. Coming here will solve none of your issues with dark knights and role playing.

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At rank 50, dark knights really need decent malforms to be effective against many classes. The only way to get decent malforms is killing people.

Purity followers kill evils with little more RP than "You're evil, and I am protecting the world from you", and no one complains.

The stigma about DK's being trashy for malform killing originated back in the day when you got malform weapon at about rank 30, and there would be many rank 30 DK's running around invisible at training grounds killing at low levels repeatedly.

Nowdays you get the spell at rank 43, where everyone is pretty much fair game and able to defend themselves adequately. At that rank, you should be expecting DK's to be trying to prepare their weapons for rank 50 where they will be dominated by giant melee classes without strong malforms.

As far as I am concerned, a DK who says "I killed you because my weapon requires souls to grow in power, so that I may hold my own against my enemies" - is no less acceptable than a thief who says "I wanted your shinies", or a crusader who says "You are perverting the course of the One God's will, heathen!"

People only hate DK's because they have a stigma attached to them about being trash, and because they have a ready made angry retort to fling at them if they die.

That being said, I applaud any DK who makes the effort to articulate malform hunting into a more palatable RP thing, but I don't think it is fair to demand any other RP reason beyond gaining weapon strength.

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At rank 50, dark knights really need decent malforms to be effective against many classes. The only way to get decent malforms is killing people.

Purity followers kill evils with little more RP than "You're evil, and I am protecting the world from you", and no one complains.

The stigma about DK's being trashy for malform killing originated back in the day when you got malform weapon at about rank 30, and there would be many rank 30 DK's running around invisible at training grounds killing at low levels repeatedly.

Nowdays you get the spell at rank 43, where everyone is pretty much fair game and able to defend themselves adequately. At that rank, you should be expecting DK's to be trying to prepare their weapons for rank 50 where they will be dominated by giant melee classes without strong malforms.

As far as I am concerned, a DK who says "I killed you because my weapon requires souls to grow in power, so that I may hold my own against my enemies" - is no less acceptable than a thief who says "I wanted your shinies", or a crusader who says "You are perverting the course of the One God's will, heathen!"

People only hate DK's because they have a stigma attached to them about being trash, and because they have a ready made angry retort to fling at them if they die.

That being said, I applaud any DK who makes the effort to articulate malform hunting into a more palatable RP thing, but I don't think it is fair to demand any other RP reason beyond gaining weapon strength.

Very, very well said.

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I just think Bobcatfan is pissed off at the fact that the silent killer DK's add very little(if anything) to the roleplay atmosphere of the game. I've yet to see a DK with classy PK and solid roleplay. The simple fact that DK's delete after losing their malforms shows how little RP effort went into that character. A well roleplayed character should be immensley painful to delete no matter what IG circumstances.

Then again, maybe I'm expecting too much from FL. I'm used to roleplay intensive MUDS where 99% of what happens in FL would be anathema there,

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I agree that DK's should roleplay, even with such things as malforming weapons. But I think that in itself is an acceptable reason for killing someone.

People lable DK's as trash before even giving them a chance, even when they try to roleplay. I was trying to roleplay with a character earlier (had no intention of fighting them), and they immediately started talking down on my RP as soon as it became evident that I was even trying.

They were like "Yeah right, just attack me and get it over with" as though they'd already made up their mind that any attempted RP by a DK was crap - and a mere excuse to cover for malform feeding.

The simple fact is, DK's have a stigma as I mentioned before, and people set them up as trash before even considering that their RP might be valid and interesting. Whatever RP a DK has, people will see it as what they want to see it as - namely the DK making token efforts at RP but really just malform feeding.

People who think a DK is out malform feeding will think that no matter what the DK says or does. If after killing someone, the DK has some cool RP to talk about, these people will just say "Yeah right. Shut up, malform-feeder!"

I sound like an affirmative action lawyer for DK's, and I've only ever had one to 30 or so :P

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Sidebar: Actually a dkn deleting (suiciding) after losing his toys is not bad RP. It would be a great dishonor.

Main point: Aabahran is a world at war. If the dkn did nothing more than remind you of that, he/she serves a purpose. If you've forgotten that, check YOUR RP.

WoS mentions "classy PK and solid roleplay". What is that? Is that giving you a chance to run and hide and log off? Is that giving you time to prepare? THAT would be bad RP on the side of the dkn.


Dark-Knights are the embodiments of evil. They seek to spread pain and

suffering to all, as well as reaping in the gains from a world that they

have weakened. They have devoted their lives to the study of dark magic

as well as physical combat, making them a formidable opponent to all.

High level dark-knights who fail to role-play properly may be outcasted.

For more information, see HELP OUTCAST and HELP EVIL.


Death... The only certain thing within the world. Those who walk this path

give their praise to an unknown force, for all of those who fall victim to

it, do not live to tell their tale. The darkness has woven an opaque web

around itself shielding it from prying eyes, and for good reason. So long

as the forces of good exists, so shall the armies of Darkness. And so long

as those of the shadows walk Aabahran's soil, all need fear the night.


>>> help scourge


You have always had a cruel streak. Inflicting pain upon

others has always gotten a rise out of you, and as you aged,

the hatred you have for others has grown with you. Your skill

and passion for inflicting pain is only surpassed by your skill at

doing it. You bring pain and death in your wake as you cut a

bloody swathe through your foes.

The walkers of this way are as many as those that they prey

upon. No caste, race, or creed can claim any majority of them,

as they come from every religious or financial category that

exists. But one thing is consitent among them. A desire to

destroy, and the means to do it.


>>> help cycle


Death is the great beyond. Once you pass through it's arches,

never again will you return. Or will you? The cycle of life

is a cycle of death. From death have you came, and so shall

you return to it. There is no avoiding your fate, so why bother

trying. You perpetuate the cycle by bringing death to those

whose time has run out, beit in your eyes, or those of your God.

Those of the Cycle do not kill out of pure lust or acquisition

of power. They do so to reclaim souls to add to the pyre, and

perpetuate the endless cycle of death and life. To attempt to

cheat death is folly, and so long as these people exist, it can

be most dangerous as well.


>>> help necropsy


Everyone has their hobby. As a youth, you can remember poking the dead

bird you found with a stick, fixated on the concept of dead things. You

matured, but so did your pre-occupation with the lifeless. Prodding sticks

turned to laboratory equipment as your thirst for knowledge of death

changed to an obsession. You have searched for years for thick dusty tomes

and ancient molded manuscripts, and your labor has rewarded you well.

you know many things that none else do, and soon... Soon the means to

escape death shall be yours.

It would seem that every path of magic possesses its own sages, and the

path of Death is no exception. Those who wield it's terrible powers

do so for many reasons. Perhaps they seek a way to cheat death. To become

undying. Or maybe they just have grown too weary of mortal companionship

and seek to raise the dead and make their own friend. Whatever the

reasons, there is no doubting that their work has paid off, and knowledge

truly is power.


>>> help evil


Heedless of the well-being of others, evils selfishly and shamelessly

live to exploit others for their own advancement and power. Some who

are truly wicked even venture forth to spread suffering unto others

for their own amusement, or in service to their merciless gods. Evils

will lend aid to others only in proportion to what is received in

return, for the helping of others in growing stronger weakens oneself

in comparison. No matter how much they attempt to manipulate or control

others, true evils strive to become powerful in their own right and shun

displaying or admitting weakness, for this only invites aggression from

their brethren.

Of all classes, dark-knights, clerics and shamans are the ones most

expected to uphold these ideals.


>>> help lawful evil

Lawful Evil:

Deceptive and manipulative, lawful evils augment their own power

through their use of laws and circumstances. Direct confrontation

is seldom necessary when there are more efficient and clandestine

ways to solve one's problems. When pressed, however, lawful evils

are prone to violently shedding their guise of unwillingness, in

sudden and unexpected displays of force. They will not break laws

even when it appears safe to do so, both out of the possibility of

the abrupt arrival of Justices and to avoid the appearance of being

blasphemous to the gods of order.


>>> help neutral evil

Neutral Evil:

Living by the phrase "by any means necessary", neutral evils use any

and all methods at their disposal to achieve what they want. Honor

and scruples exist only as weaknesses to exploit, and cruelty is but

another means of coercion. Whether through taking advantage of laws

or breaking them while their prey is lulled by its false security,

neutral evils are bound only by the power they have and their lust

for more.


>>> help chaotic evil

Chaotic Evil:

From the common bandit to powerful warrior-lords, many choose to

follow the path of chaotic evil. These are the ones prone to violence,

the scoundrels and murderers, the curse and bane of society. Their

only law is the belief that might makes right. Power in its rawest,

purest form is the only order among this type, as they only obey those

capable of crushing them. Yet true chaotic evils will not

be content to serve their master for long, as it is their nature to

fight and overthrow, to compete in the eternal struggle to become

the most powerful.


>>> help discord


You are violent and destructive, a menace to society, and hated by the

masses. Your parents never disciplined you as a child, and you've grown up

to be an irresponsible, violent plague. You don't like laws or authority in

general, and you'd rather beat up an innocent child than give money to the


The followers of discord are shunned by most of society, and range from

petty vandals looking for a cheap thrill to cruel beasts in search of world

destruction. They generally resort to violence as a prime solution to all

problems, and tend to reject unity and balance.

There are other ways to be evil. Many are blocked by in game mechanics. Some have been blocked by the changes to the cabal and law systems. (Probably before most of your time.) There is some serious evil **** that could be done. But if you're a goodie, all you're going to see is the malform seperating your spirit from your body. Dark knights don't expect to see goodies chit chatting with them.

Many of you players need to look at the help files. They are RULES not laws... not suggestions. Dark knights MUST be evil. (And neutrals should be neutral.)

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It might also be the number of Qrace applicants that people consider trashy pk. I have to admit every char I have plans for a fight with a dk sometime around mid 20's or so just because it can and will happen. I think Dk's add the 'world at war' affect very nicely. The main problem I see is that just as people said, Dk's in general don't get an opportunity to RP beyond take your head. It's considered trashy mainly because of the amount of damage they can dish out at 30 can beat out most classes (due to options in saves eq normally gainable at that level).

That said, I think they are fine the way they are, Rp and all. It keeps you on your toes and makes you wary of just sitting out in the open. Likewise, I'd put them in the same boat as evil clerics. They also have something to feed (just not a blade). But rarely are they considered as much trash players as a dk. Why? Simply put, you don't get two rounded by an evil cleric generally (stupid fire giants clerics). Caught unprepared against an evil cleric, you'll be dead, but might run a few rooms. Caught unprepared by a dk, you might not see all of what happened until you check the log.

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The simple fact that DK's delete after losing their malforms shows how little RP effort went into that character. A well roleplayed character should be immensley painful to delete no matter what IG circumstances.

You are an evil warlord who has been granted immense power by his god, your weapon defines you and your power. It has been destroyed, and you have been stripped of all your power. At this point you have two options, being the underhanded and greedy bastard you are. You can try to fight back to regain your lost strength and power, or you can give up and take things as a sign that your God has abandoned you. At this point you commit suicide because you know your life is meaningless without your power and influence which has been ripped away.

Never judge another's RP because it doesn't fit what you would like it to be. I've rolled up characters knowing that I would delete them on their first death, simply because that's the kind of person they were. People's roleplay varies just as much as real, natural people themselves. Are there always great reasons to murder in real life? Does it happen, still? I say a power hungry warlord who knows his god will bless him for reaping the souls of the innocent has plenty of reason to kill whoever he damn well pleases.

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