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No more riddles! :*(


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| Antillian || the Worst Battlemage Ever |


| Str: xx (xx) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : xx(xxh) |

| Int: xx (xx) || Class: battlemage Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: xx (xx) || Race : Sphnx(avian) Align: evil |

| Dex: xx (xx) || Hp : xxx/xxx Exp : xxxxxx/xxxxxx |

| Con: xx (xx) || Mana : xxx/xxx |

\ Lck: [xxxxxx] \/ Move : xxx/xxx +Hit: x +Dam: x /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Malchaeius |

| Slash : xx|| Spell : x || Faith : Discord |

| Pierce: xx || Afflictive : x || Weight: xxx/xxx |

| Blunt : xx || Maledictive: x || Items : xx/xx |

| Magic : xx || Mental : x || Prac : x Train: x |

| || || Gold : 0 |


/ Condition: You are the worst battlemage ever, delete NOW! \

| You are a ghost. |


I enjoyed playing the character, had alot of fun, but, it was becoming nothing more than a jester... which was not what i intended it for, don't expect to be seeing me playing a battlemage, um ever again. LOL.

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LOL. I so totally forgot that psi's cant be evil when i rolled the character, and at 50 i finnally realized that, i intended it to be a psi, 1) because it fitted the roleplay better, and 2) i knew from the start i am terrible with battlemages. But, i realized there is probably little to no way that you would have approved my psi app. Thanks for trying to save my life though.

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Noooooooo!!!! This is the worst christmas present ever. :mad:

But seriously I enjoyed interacting with you alot and was looking foreward to it. However if you aren't having fun then you should probably move on. I look forward to the next non-battlemage though. :D

No worries, there will be plenty of fun characters in the future, I belive that rp is what makes the world go round. I'll have to go think up something worth interacting with though. Hopefully it will be soemthing im good at pking with. heh.

[53 Muse ANG] Isadora the Liberated Muse of Revelry, Sublime Rhapsody of the Senses <-- Local suicide prevention. :P you made me effectively last about 10 more minutes untill a certain blademaster got ahold of me.

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You can have good RP with good PK' date=' but it is nearly impossible to have good RP without good PK (at 50--herald immunity?).[/quote']

That gives me an idea, I think I might try roleplaying a weakling always begging for his life, I might be able to pull that off as a gnome bard.

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The interesting part is that you intrigued me to the point where I didn't auto-reject your application for failure to meet the basic requirements.

Guess that solves that.

Anything is possible, if you are willing to pay the price and have good enough rp for it.

BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is my angry face.... <--- :mad:

See what impatience will get you??

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The interesting part is that you intrigued me to the point where I didn't auto-reject your application for failure to meet the basic requirements.

Guess that solves that.

Anything is possible, if you are willing to pay the price and have good enough rp for it.

nice, man you shouldnt of deleted..dont get that kind of window of opportunit easily.

Not to mention that my pinn was trying to meet you..oh well *sigh*

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