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Was there ever a feral druid?

Mister E

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Because ferals are more of a cursed race.

But hey, there IS currently a Druid/Tribunal. Anything is possible.

I also once had a faerie/Druid, but I was gimped beyond belief. I think I had sword and maybe parry.

Maybe a cursed race would be the point, but they were not cursed by Gaia. They were cursed more by the taint in the forsaken lands.

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Lots of things are possible with RP and some skill in FL.

Just going from recent memory...

Faerie Berzerker

Halfling Berzerker

Undead Healer

Neutral Healer

Two druid Tribunals

A player clan merging with a cabal

Lots of restrings

I may have forgotten a few but that's the short list that I recall.

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Watcher/Gaia/Druids are more about "natural" things. They dislike the unnatural, demons/avatars/undead. To an extend the "magical" races (though it is not commonly done) that would be faeries, illithid, and feral.

Ferals were tainted by unnatural means. They should be just as bad as demons in my book. But its all about how you RP it. ANYTHING is possible, its just how bad you will be gimped is the question.

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Also, druid is a class that is reserved ONLY for humans. The MUD population (even me) begged and harassed Virigoth until he finally gave in. Werebeasts are essentially humans that have been blessed.

Ferals - were human, not anymore. So its not a choice normally for that reason, and it probably would be overpowered.

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Feral aren't based on similar races from other games. I had never heard of it as a race from other games until some time AFTER I made the race.

Basically, feral are humans that were abandoned both by other humans (tribunal) and nature. They were screwed by everyone, but actually survived due to some sort of adaptation to chaos. They aren't very happy about it. The MOST good and well-meaning of feral can barely pull off true neutral, but the vast, vast majority of them are chaotic evil. They are a catchall race that allows you to play any human/mammal hybrid on the evil side of things.

Feral should never, never, never be in Tribunal or Watcher. Especially not druids. It is worse than a drow becoming a healer and joining Knight in my book. A feral that was accepted by Gaia would be called a werebeast. Feral are feral because Gaia decided to abandon them due to the danger of chaotic corruption leaking into the natural world.

Feral is part of the werebeast and human triangle of hatred. They are the exact opposite of werebeast (cursed vs blessed), and share the lineage/hatred with humanity.

Werebeasts hate law (or should, being blessed avatars of Gaia).

The vast majority of humans support laws and civilization, and dislike/fear/hate abberations of themselves like werebeasts/feral.

Feral hate both nature and law (they are VERY close to demons and I believe they should be allowed to become them).

So, werebeasts and feral should almost always attack at sight. The dislike of humans is less, but it is still very hostile.

Like I said before, there was a huge mistake made when making feral. The stats were based off human stats of straight 18s, not straight 20s. Feral were intended to be super-humans with a large vuln. Very similar to fire giants in terms of weakness/strength. Instead, they are kinda sub-humans with a large vuln, because the stats are all lower than what I/Viri intended.

Current feral stats are: Max: Str: 19 Int: 18 Wis: 21 Dex: 24 Con: 20

They should be: Max: Str: 21 Int: 19 Wis: 22 Dex: 24 Con: 22

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We did it together. :P And no, humans aren't perfect. We modeled them after base 18 human stats.

As for your thinking they don't need anything...they are a medium-sized, low-hp, non-caster race that takes a lot of damage from spells and the EASIEST type of vuln weapon to acquie (which has an entire RACE devoted to it, aka their -you have no chance against them- bane race) that do a lot of damage (spells, weapons, and that race) to start with. No other race has as big and tappable (nearly all classes can very easily tap it) vuln as a feral.

Like I said before, feral were intended to have a huge powerspike against some races/classes, while being completely destroyed by others.

Edit: compare their stats to Avian, which has a MUCH, MUCH smaller vuln and other advantages themselves.

Feral: Max: Str: 19 Int: 18 Wis: 21 Dex: 24 Con: 20

Avian: Max: Str: 19 Int: 21 Wis: 21 Dex: 23 Con: 19

Edit2: Just saying I don't think this because they are good now isn't a very effective argument to begin with, and since it is so vague, don't expect much of a detailed response. I'm trying here. :P

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Watcher/Gaia/Druids are more about "natural" things. They dislike the unnatural, demons/avatars/undead. To an extend the "magical" races (though it is not commonly done) that would be faeries, illithid, and feral.

Ferals were tainted by unnatural means. They should be just as bad as demons in my book. But its all about how you RP it. ANYTHING is possible, its just how bad you will be gimped is the question.

Demons, a choice by the player IC, Avatars = another choice by the player IC, undead = you get the point. They each chose to give up a portion of their natural lives to receive the unnatural. A feral was born into it. Not like humans go out to the forsaken lands and come back feral. I would treat it much like Watcher/warders treat the city. They don't try to burn even the ground beneath, but try to restore it back to Gaia.

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Feral chose to survive instead of naturally die in the Forsaken Lands. So they DID make the active choice.

Demon/Undead/etc are like foreign invaders to Gaia.

Feral are internal blemishes/virus/whatever. Feral also have a direct connection to the Nexus/Demons, which is why they look like they do and is how they survived.

Both need to be "fixed" and removed. Undead/Avatar/etc need to be banished, while the link between chaos and feral needs to be cut (which returns them to their natural state--aka dead--kills feral).

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Feral chose to survive instead of naturally die in the Forsaken Lands. So they DID make the active choice.

Demon/Undead/etc are like foreign invaders to Gaia.

Feral are internal blemishes/virus/whatever. Feral also has a direct connection to the Nexus/Demons, which is why they look like they do.

Both need to be "fixed" and removed.

Fixed yes, but in what sense? I wouldn't think Gaia would think of them much like the demons. Like you said, demons are invaders, they don't belong at all and should be destroyed on sight. If feral are like blemishes, then I think Gaia (hint: NOT Eshaine) would more want to heal and restore, much like she does with everything else that get's tainted.

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I'm not trying to make a big detailed argument. Just stating what I thought at the time. There have been plenty of great ferals out there. Fury is very powerful itself.

Slith - Max: Str: 20 Int: 17 Wis: 17 Dex: 22 Con: 21 = 97

Feral - Max: Str: 19 Int: 18 Wis: 21 Dex: 24 Con: 20 = 102

Those are the slith stats compared to Feral. Ferals come out on top by quite a bit. Their perks are similar to feral, in power. Though very situational, I would say a Ferals fury would be used more frequently. Also ferals have another perk that makes a them superior as warriors. Yes, they come with a huge vuln, but it balances out. Also, Ferals have three classes they can be that hide or camo. Making them very easy to hide when that deadly fire comes around.

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The problem with invoker vs feral is that if the feral is not equipped, they are toast to fire. If the feral is equipped, they are toast to call lightning (24 dex). With about the standard 650 hp that feral get, you will be killed in about four casts either way (one or two rounds with sanc and mana charged invoker).

I know this because I recently had this exact problem with a feral with 50 aff saves :P

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Feral have MUCH better perks than slith, but the vuln is insanely more accessible. Moreover, even though slith have worse total stats, the two stats most important to warriors the slith has an advantage in.

Playing a feral warrior at 50 is basically suicide. You have to manage hit/dam/saves much more than any other warrior combo because you are weak to both melee and magic.

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