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How do you kill a blademaster as a monk?


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Here is my latest fight with him, and honestly my best.

If it were not for him being charge happy and not predicting dirt. I would have barely did any damage.

I have tried all stances but tiger and buhda

Paraxus yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Ephian!'

Paraxus turns your attack against you.

Paraxus's counter LACERATES you!

Paraxus blocks your attack with his weapon.

Paraxus parries your attack.

Paraxus blocks your attack with his weapon.

Paraxus is in excellent condition.

Paraxus says 'So'

Paraxus is in excellent condition.

Ephian: [===|===|===|===][93]

Legas's spirit climbs west.

Someone leaves the room.

Paraxus is in excellent condition.

Ephian: [===|===|===|===][93]

You dodge Paraxus's attack.

Paraxus's life drain LACERATES you!

Paraxus's life drain maims you!

You dodge Paraxus's attack.

Paraxus's tail MUTILATES you!

Paraxus blocks your attack with his weapon.

Your elbow slash LACERATES Paraxus!

Paraxus blocks your attack with his weapon.

Paraxus has a few scratches.

Ephian: [===|===|===|=--][77]

Paraxus is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!

Your kicked dirt scratches Paraxus.

Paraxus has a few scratches.

Paraxus has a few scratches.

Ephian: [===|===|===|=--][77]

You reverse Paraxus's attack against him.

Paraxus blocks your attack with his weapon.

Paraxus's life drain LACERATES you!

Paraxus's life drain MUTILATES you!

Paraxus's tail LACERATES you!

Paraxus blocks your attack with his weapon.

Paraxus weaves out of your attack.

Paraxus blocks your attack with his weapon.

Ephian: [===|===|==-|---][59]

Paraxus's life drain LACERATES you!

Paraxus's life drain maims you!

Paraxus's life drain maims you!

Paraxus's tail LACERATES you!

Paraxus blocks your attack with his weapon.

Paraxus weaves out of your attack.

Paraxus parries your attack.

Paraxus blocks your attack with his weapon.

Paraxus has a few scratches.

Ephian: [===|==-|---|---][37]

Your kick DISMEMBERS Paraxus!

You kick with the strength of the horse.

Your double kick MASSACRES Paraxus!

Paraxus has some small wounds and bruises.

Ephian: [===|==-|---|---][37]

You reversed Paraxus's trip, and he goes down!

Your trip grazes Paraxus.

Paraxus has some small wounds and bruises.

Paraxus's life drain MUTILATES you!

You dodge Paraxus's attack.

Paraxus's life drain maims you!

You reverse Paraxus's attack against him.

Your life drain LACERATES Paraxus!

Paraxus weaves out of your attack.

Your back fist LACERATES Paraxus!

Paraxus blocks your attack with his weapon.

Paraxus has quite a few wounds.

You dodge Paraxus's attack.

You dodge Paraxus's attack.

You dodge Paraxus's attack.

You reverse Paraxus's attack against him.

Paraxus weaves out of your attack.

Paraxus's tail MUTILATES you!

You sure are BLEEDING!

Paraxus weaves out of your attack.

Paraxus parries your attack.

Paraxus parries your attack.

Paraxus blocks your attack with his weapon.

Paraxus has quite a few wounds.

You flee from combat!

Paraxus climbs in.

You yell 'Help! Paraxus just charged into me!'

You turn Paraxus's attack against him.

Your charge attack === DISINTEGRATES === Paraxus!

Paraxus has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

Repugnant flies in.

Paraxus has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

Paraxus has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

Ephian: [===|---|---|---][21]

Paraxus's life drain LACERATES you!

You sure are BLEEDING!

You reverse Paraxus's attack against him.

Paraxus weaves out of your attack.

You parry Paraxus's attack with your first hand.

Paraxus's tail MUTILATES you!

You sure are BLEEDING!

Paraxus weaves out of your attack.

Paraxus weaves out of your attack.

Paraxus parries your attack.

Paraxus has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

Ephian: [==-|---|---|---][9]

Paraxus has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

You flee from combat!

[Exits: east down]

(WANTED) (Translucent) Repugnant the Unholy Knight is here.

Paraxus the Doomblade is here.

You yell 'Help! Paraxus just charged into me!'

You turn Paraxus's attack against him.

Your charge attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Paraxus!

Paraxus has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

Ephian: [==-|---|---|---][11]

[85/721Hp 475/649M 351/356Mv][TNL:105951][Hour:18][Gold:2023] [85/721Hp 475/649M 351/356Mv][TNL:105951][Hour:18][Gold:2023]

You dodge Paraxus's attack.

You dodge Paraxus's attack.

Paraxus's life drain MUTILATES you!

You sure are BLEEDING!

Paraxus's tail LACERATES you!

You sure are BLEEDING!

You place your prayer beads around Paraxus's neck and tighten.

Paraxus goes to sleep.

The string breaks and the prayer beads fall apart.

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Jeez. If he kept charging at you, I think he would've done it himself. Too bad Monks can't predict, because that would've been something pretty nasty. To me it looks like you're either not using any sanc or at least not any protection. There are some potions that grant protection from evil. Up your hitroll and damroll more than what it is. I know that you weren't hitting him all that much aside from reversing his own attacks. Horse was definately the way to go since it saved you to the point you were there at least longer than you would've been if you went crane or the likes. Keep that method up a bit more if he keeps that method going, then you still have a chance. If he changes up his method though, you might go a more offensive route, depending on your hit/dam and what spells you have up.

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I noticed a char in there named Repugnant...is that a real char, if so, how did that name get throught and to 50?!?!

Funny log, gotta loooove those beads...have saved my life at times, too. Also pisses me off when I have a guy laglocked to death...and they are MINE...and boom...I am asleep...heh, but its a fun thing.

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Kairishi against monks is lethal. I suggest go all out offense and hope for some chakras hits. If you go dragon you will have a lil more hp, better kicks and a chance to land some really good damage. Just be flying with sanc and protection and hope to outhit him.

Monks vs BLM is an uphill battle IMO, When I played Jekyr I got owned by Ixsasicor and b4 i deleted Yessuran I had my way with some Knight Monk who came after me.

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Well, Lunicant isn't really an Imms name and never has been. It WAS a character of an Imm though. Raargant is just a wannabe, we all know that, he just wasn't evil enough, and thus just wanted the nifty little 'ant' at the end of his name so people confuse him for that race. So no, he's not a third Imm. Just one of the lesser seen of those races since they're pretty hard to get. :P

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DJECTIVE: 1. Arousing disgust or aversion; offensive or repulsive: morally repugnant behavior. 2. Logic Contradictory; inconsistent.

ETYMOLOGY: Middle English, antagonistic, from Old French, from Latin repugnns, repugnant-, present participle of repugnre, to fight against. See repugn.

OTHER FORMS: re·pugnant·ly —ADVERB

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So back to the topic....yeah, monks have a decently hard time fighting blademasters from what I've seen on the subject. He wasin horse, and assumeing it's mastered, he never turned one attack back, didn't even see a dual parry(might have missed it). Might be interesting to know what the blademaster's hit roll is. And there was a reason the blademaster was using charge even though the monk had counter...Despiser used to do it to my warrior all the time.

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Mister E, I take your bet.

You lose, "Paraxus weaves out of your attack." occurs in only once stance.

The key to beating any class is knowing what they can and can not do.

monk vs blademaster:

Now this is a complex fight, each person involved may have multiple attack forms, the choice of these forms determines how the other will have to choose their form. As a monk the safest bet is to use defensive stances, since these three stances should allow you to counter any stance the blademaster uses. Of these three, horse, buddha, and drunken each has a specific use with perhaps buddha being the least useful. Horse will allow you to reverse their attacks, yet your primary defenses (dodge, first parry, second parry) will be primarily unimproved and depend upon your weapon prof and the weapon they use against you. However, drunken will improve your dodge rate while it will not grant you a bonus to damage as horse does. In this particular fight it would appear your hitroll is lacking, and in defensive stance you want to be as defensive as possible, meaning you should use sanctuary and any protections you can get your hands on. If you have 30/30 I would suggest using horse, if less, drunken (but remember Jui kuen II).

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I have a question, actually. It pertains to killing blademasters though not neccassarily with a monk...

If a blademaster is wielding a two-handed weapon, when I'm fighting them, I find it more worth my time to let them initiate the attack (sometimes) as certain classes. Taking Paladin as an excellent example, murder/charge/flamestrike/wrath/whatever, fall foul to snakespeed/counter. So if you launch an opening attack, they may well counter it and then can act straight away, as opposed to letting them strike the first blow (Paladin's have counter too). I am sure there are other classes that will have this problem too. Any advice here? (Ignore this if it's not welcome here.. :o)


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I've found that most all of them wield two handed weapons so anything besides murder or a spell directed at them should be fine to open against them with. Exceptions being charge or something that can be countered. Recite a scroll or zap them with a wand, anything like that to open and they can't predict or counter it.....maybe even an area affect potion but I am unsure if that will put you into combat. And of course, look at them on the fly and see what type of weapon they have, if they have dual wielded don't go for the dirt kick or something, it's probably predicted. If they have a two handed weapon, don't c 'something' blm, try and area attack or the scroll/wand option.

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