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I have thought a lot about it, though I do not think FL will ever take that path. There are many ways it could be done however. I do not think restricting alignment would be the best way, I would like to see a restricted number of characters is all. Maybe allow each player with a valid account 2 or 3 chars above lvl 40 and maybe up to 5 under 40, so they still have a variety but a restrcited one....I dunno really if it would work, it would be a lot of work for the imms to regulate as many players would start creating multiple accounts etc etc etc, the BEST way to have solid rp and no abuse of knowledge is through the honour system *give me a second to wipe away my tears from my laughter* but hey I know for a fact that there are many players who dont do the kind of crap that gives us these ideas but I think the majority probably will do anything to get revenge for a PK against them.

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It wouldn't be that effective, because what's to stop evil #1 logging out and logging in on their uber-decked race/class-combo-that-whoops-yours evil #2? And there's the fact that some people just like to play more than one character, of opposing alignments.

See, you probably think I switch characters everytime I get PKed now. :D


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Shut up' date=' my plan is flawless. :D[/quote']

bleh you play Wow, tried that game..really did, but went right back to CoH...just got tired of watching my undead toon limp along and get passed up by snails. whilw in CoH i can run at a relative 90 mph with a superspeeder or get full 3d freedom at a relative 70 mph with a flier...or heck tp 200 yards every 2 seconds...heh

on subject...

heres an rp situation for you, i am in ofcol and get attacked out of the blue by this ninja. now i am playing my monk (silviana) am in defensive and this is lvl 35 or so. I fight off the ninja, beat them to a mercy, but since silvi's rp didnt allow her to kill anything but evils i let him live.

Now, you think this guy had no rp? BS. he was full of it, he proceeded to bark, i forget how he spelt it haah, and give me things...since i spared him i won his loyalty or something like that, he never talked....actually i met him several times later as i reached pinn.

the point? well just because you dont see rp doesnt mean there is none. This guy had a very interesting rp...its just that it was oriented towards attacking.

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I'm still wondering why you think it's bad RP to kill someone because you hate singing. Personally, there are plenty of people I've heard sing in real life that I wish I could kill for subjecting my ears to that awful noise. A dark knight walking into a bar, hearing some singing he doesn't like, and in one smooth motion decapitating the offending lyricist sounds pretty in character to me.

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I'm still wondering why you think it's bad RP to kill someone because you hate singing. Personally' date=' there are plenty of people I've heard sing in real life that I wish I could kill for subjecting my ears to that awful noise. A dark knight walking into a bar, hearing some singing he doesn't like, and in one smooth motion decapitating the offending lyricist sounds pretty in character to me.[/quote']

i think the gripe is he doesnt even sing, the offending party just needed some excuse to kill him, and that was the best they could come up with.

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I used a guys desc to kill him once, the conversation went like this.

Your face...it is perfect and unscarred?

Yes, thanks to my elven blood nothing can marr my face.



WHAP haha, you're dead, and I just chopped off your head at the nose.

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I'm still wondering why you think it's bad RP to kill someone because you hate singing. Personally' date=' there are plenty of people I've heard sing in real life that I wish I could kill for subjecting my ears to that awful noise. A dark knight walking into a bar, hearing some singing he doesn't like, and in one smooth motion decapitating the offending lyricist sounds pretty in character to me.[/quote'] As a huge TOOL fan, watching Fred Durst cover Opiate inspires that desire to kill. It's blasphemous.
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I used a guys desc to kill him once, the conversation went like this.

Your face...it is perfect and unscarred?

Yes, thanks to my elven blood nothing can marr my face.



WHAP haha, you're dead, and I just chopped off your head at the nose.

I've had similar situations. I've killed people for a single arrogant statement in my guy's presence. Would've been a breach of RP to have let them live.

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No such thing as bad RP. RP is RP, as long as it's within the scheme of the game.

Distasteful RP (cookie cutter such as I'm good your evil let's slaughter each other) exists.

If you don't like someone else's rp, tough. Chances are a lot of people won't like it.

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No such thing as bad RP. RP is RP, as long as it's within the scheme of the game.

Distasteful RP (cookie cutter such as I'm good your evil let's slaughter each other) exists.

If you don't like someone else's rp, tough. Chances are a lot of people won't like it.

Have to agree on there is no bad RP. However, there is RP done in bad taste. "I'm evil and I'm going to slaughter everyone I see as in my way" is perfectly fine. I think what can get annoying is when OOC reasons change people's IC choices. Such as, ' char is too strong so I don't want to make her/him mad at me so I won't attack. But char has nice wares so I'll go kill him.' Don't see a huge problem with this unless it becomes consistant and both the other players hold the same ideals and views.

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