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Classes: Warrior, Paladin, Berserker

Races : Elf, Half-Elf, Human, Storm Giant

Level : 50

- MUST INCLUDE WORDS "crusader application" in application subject

- Must be good aligned

- Must be follower of the One God

- Cannot be an Avatar

- Cannot be member of any cabal

You must send a scroll of application to Immortals, scribing of your

history, goals, and any deeds you think may help your chances to be

approved. The scroll must bear the title which includes words crusader

and application or it will not be considered. If your scroll is approved

by the Order of Crusades you shall be made to know what else is required

of you.

When you become a Crusader, you will be reduced to the first rank of

the Order of Crusades, with applicable abilities, health and mindpower.

Any skills which you may be allowed to use in future will be kept, all

others are forgotten.

The following skills are added based on your profession:

Paladin : Scrolls

Berserker: Roar

Warrior : Whip



Trained by the Order of Crusades these mighty men and women of the

One God, travel through Aabahran helping those in need, avenging

wrongs done, and Crusading against those whom would seek to harm the less

fortunate. Honor, Valor and above all Modesty are their virtues,

requiring a Crusader to act as priests first then warriors, without the

easy miracles of common deities.

Crusaders are warriors who have chosen to use Faith as the focus for their

skills, at times honing them to such degree that their feats all but

surpass the mortal realm. As they progress through ranks they are offered

choices in skills, these choices in turn affecting what other skills they

will have available in future. The end result of this process is that no

two Crusaders are alike, as the choices they make often drastically affect

the things they may excel or do poorly in.

Rejecting delicate and non direct methods of combat, they relay upon brutal

combination of skill and strength combined with legendary arts of weaponcraft

and armorcraft which allows them to excel in combat against single or multiple

opponents. Experts of two handed weapons, they never use shields relying

instead on armors so thick and heavy that legends have been sung about

their ability to wade through battle unharmed by blows of ordinary blades.

They carry weapons consecrated to their god which increase in power as the

Crusader fulfills his duties to the Order. These holy weapons seem to

withstand the most brutal of modifications and many a foe has been brought

to his knees by a mere sight of a blade bristling with gleaming edges, barbs

and hooked guards leveled at their chest.

The Crusader's focus upon the matters of faith and their virtues of Modesty,

Compassion and Valour not only requires them to forsake personal goals when

asked for help by those in need, but the Order of Crusades forbids them to

bask in large number of rare or unique adornments upon their armor. This

severely limits the number of such items they may wear or carry.


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