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Newb looking for good starter character


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Hey all,

I have been reading the posts on the forums for a little bit, and I still cant decide the best starting character. Something with good survivability and someone that groups will want to partner with. I am not looking to rank to 50, but mid twenties and have some fun Pking with, even if I get my hat handed to me.

Thanks in advance.

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Neutral Ogre Warrior. Good survivability at the rank you're talking about, and everyone wants a warrior in their group. Makes for a good tank, and puts out a nice bit of damage too. Regeneration is never amiss, either.

But, as far as PK at rank 20. You'll get a lot of people ticked off at you. Most people don't want to play that hardcore at that level, they just want to power rank to 50. If you get to 50 (which shouldn't take long with that race/class), you can learn a lot, quickly. Just try to make friends instead of enemies, and everything should go fairly well. Granted, there's always the quintessential douchebag, but what game doesn't have them?;)

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1. Read the class helps on this forum, as well as the PK logs.

2. Ask questions in game. Everyone here was a newb once, and I don't think anyone they will deny you an answer or two.

3. As already stated, start with an adventurer. They are highly survivable against mobs, and are PK-free. Use them to roam about, making maps and exploring.

4. Join the Academy, a clan based on teaching characters.

5. RP here is alive and well, but it's all about what you put in. Keep Rping, and you'll gravitate to those who will appreciate it.

6. Don't get discouraged, even though it will be a natural reaction. Not everyone is a monster in the beginning.

7. Take the time to learn the land, and do your guild/newbie quests. They contain some vital information that to an experienced player seem redundant, but to a newer one will prove invalubale. (vials, gyvels, etc.)

8. Peruse these forums, using the search command. There is a lot of information gathered here, if you wade through the junk.

9. Have fun, above all. It's just a game.

10. Realize that death comes quickly here, and frequently. It's a rough place to live. Everyone dies. But with patience, hard work and a little know-how, you'll find yourself dying less. Keep up with it, and don't give up.

11. Welcome to FL. We're glad you decided to give us a try.

Very solid advice. Wise guy that Malanith is.

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Do not play a good. Under any circumstance. Do an evil at all costs.

It doesn't really matter what you play - pick something you think sounds cool and just play. Its your first character so you're going to be learning no matter what you pick.

However - I would do a human DK. Detect invis and summon mean you don't need to go stupid running about to gather consumable and DKs are great in the PK power department.

Be prepared to die though. The more experienced players (and even the less experienced players) are going to be able to kill you. Make sure you learn from dying because that will make you better faster.

Finally, listen up chump!!!! Plan on getting to lv 50 because there is no point PKing much below this rank or doing much of anything. You can't experience 80% of the game before you're pinnacle (or close to it). The ONLY way to learn to play is simply to jump in the deep end and play. I did this and so did a lot of the guys I used to know. We all became decently strong (some insanely strong) players. Everyone I know who was 'easing themselves into it' is still 'easing themself into it.' And they all suck.



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I recommend something that has a hide / camo ability. Pick what you like rp wise. Neutral is probably a good idea as less people will want to kill you and you can group with everyone. IF YOU GO NEUTRAL READ HELP NEUTRAL THOUGH; NEUTRALS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A SOLID REASON FOR EACH PKILL. (I wanted that piece of armor doesn't cut it.)

I'd recommend you go to mid 30s, that's a very good range to get first pk experience. Neutral ogre ranger would be a very survivable class you can easily pk with. Do a lot of challenges, do your guild quests, perhaps join battle. Don't get frustrated when you die, it will happen. Learn where to master your defenses, learn where to get a basic set of armor on your own. If anything is given to you, ask them where it is from. Don't be shy to ask others of your class for tipps (who class will give you a list of everyone of the same class).

When you have a basic idea of what is going on, rank up some more.

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i suggest an evil ranger (human or ogre).

  1. Camo: hide from everyone but other rangers and...
  2. Butcher corpse: mmmmm food.
  3. Evil: You can be very openly very greedy.
  4. Ranger: Very defensive.
  5. Beasts: got to love friends.
  6. Ranger: got some cool defensive skills.
  7. Fired weapons: you get it early, it is handy.
  8. Evil: gets the best gear from mobs, from your enemies, and even from your friends. ;)

Roll one up. Grab several barrels of water. And you will enjoy a fulfilling, albeit short and violent, life.

edit: and has been said before: Join Warmaster. Join the clan, Battle, as soon as possible.

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