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Deleted and disgusted.

Dinkirus, I know you got shafted but you deserve to be on top, sorry I couldn't get you there before him, you really, really earned it.

Ecasio, I wish I was able to get you into Herald but the cards fell.

Isadora, what can I say...

Emak, thanks for trying at the end but I was beyond hope.

To all those who helped me collect the gold, the secret dies with me.

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I deserve that, I really do Eshaine. And I am sorry to who ever that sorcerer is, I enjoyed collecting the hearts. But I can't sit back and watch what was happening (things need not mentioned here for the involved chars sake) and ride the brown wave. I was getting cursed at by random newbs because certain people were spreading lies about my char and telling them it was okay to do that. I spent way, way, way too much time and energy to get pissed on like that.

Again...I am sorry to all of the IMM's who were depending on my char for their plot and I will post my songs when I get to a desktop instead of my car pc.

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Let me be perfectly clear, this was not a rage delete. And by newbs, I mean people who have been here years and still know nothing.


And don't worry, my next char will be one I can kill you ALL with, instead of only a select few. I hated being hapless in bash situations.

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Isn't it lovely when someone continually complains about the lack of rp and once he gets involved in a BIG plot, he deletes...

Never got my poem/song either. :rolleyes:

Not to pat myself on the back too much, but look what I have accomplished with this char.

People are reading their notes, and sending notes, it's wonderful.

People are taking the time to just do the every day rp, I don't know HOW many people initiated rp with me, I couldn't keep up! When I first started, I had to bite and claw my way to a hello.

People are excited about rp again, I accomplished my goal, it's time to kill again. But I may make a more survivable char and rock Herald out of their socks still. But I am going to kill first.

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Whoa! You didn't RP Ravanex, you ARE Ravanex. Heh. Not to burst your bubble, but that sort of stuff was already going on, you just happened to have a lot more direct interaction because of your own interactions. A benefit of being a Herald.

Dob, I remember when you first came here. Imagine that! After all these years, I am just so proud! ;)

Not to pat myself on the back too much, but look what I have accomplished with this char.

People are reading their notes, and sending notes, it's wonderful.

People are taking the time to just do the every day rp, I don't know HOW many people initiated rp with me, I couldn't keep up! When I first started, I had to bite and claw my way to a hello.

People are excited about rp again, I accomplished my goal, it's time to kill again. But I may make a more survivable char and rock Herald out of their socks still. But I am going to kill first.

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