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Mr. Tick

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And if ANY char pre-pin tells me that someone keeps killing them for no apparent reason and they can't hunt. (In an RP sort of way' date=' of course) I personally will hunt down the aggressor and full-loot multi-kill. I will find an RP reason for it. Because I don't agree with it. I bet many of the Vets will feel similar. Though if you don't sound somewhat newish, I will RP with you more, to try and get a better reason... I tend to defened newbies more.[/quote']


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Oh, yeah, I forgot people should have other people do their work...

If people I steal from come while I rank its retribution, but like I said, I didn't rob that many people. The people I did rob it was 90% of the time backpacks when I couldn't resuit because everyone attacked me, so I had to take a backpack and grab the mithril and **** 90% of people keep in their backpacks because they removed them or something.

Edit: Thinking back, I was attacked unprovoked by 4 of the 5 nexus members i know of, without having ever robbed or harmed any of them, without any interaction at all.

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Loved alorger. I believe you were trying to get avatar as well? Interacted with you on two characters. Roll another man. Besides, he IS a nexus reaver chaotic ogre ranger. :D You are going to get hounded by all evils (more than half the pbase), and you are a thief. Still pretty impressive you stayed how long you did stay. My first char was a ninja. Taught me a lot.

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Oh' date=' yeah, I forgot people should have other people do their work...[/quote']

Beggers can't be choosers, my friend.

Either take the advice we've offered, or don't. But remember, only one choice is going to help you out. The other one's going to keep you in the same predicament you're in right now.

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People aren't nearly as agressive towards evil or balance walker thieves' date=' which I find odd...as they rob from everyone.[/quote']

You mental? Thieves have more enemies than anyone. Period. At least as a goodie you have natural allies. But being a goodie also means evils will want to kill you extra hard, and add being a thief to the mix and well, you are lucky you didnt have every evil forming lines to kill you.

Thieves are also very survivable. Set alarm traps when you hunt, recall if a big bad 50 is coming for you. Live to hunt another day. Also, thief is one of the few classes that can really mess up someone with ranks on them. Blackjack will work, pry will work, steal will work. A good thief will make it so their enemies dont want to look for them, but of course you will end up in the top ten that way and eventually you will get caught.

As everyone has eluded at in this post: death is part of FL, pk range is there for a reason, if you dont like it you shoulda been a human thief, then at least you woulda made it to the high 40's before deleting.

Noone has every had any sympathy for any of my thieves, and probably never will, thus I feel none for you.

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My 4th thief, others were pinned. Never had as much trouble with any of my others. Never found cabal members waiting for me outside the arena or for me to unghost or finding me when I hunt.

Usually if someone saw me unhidden, they would attack, its natural, but they wouldn't seek me out unless I'd robbed them(and honeslty 90% of the people I robbed were steal back X and I never left hide, so they didn't know who it was).

I'm used to getting attacked, and occasionally full looted. But we'e talking about I resuited 5 or 6 times a day at least for 4 or 5 days...

Edit: Going into my 40th rank I had 3 deaths I had counted, right befoe deleting I had trained con 4 times even with most of my deaths being resurrected.

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Guest emp_newb

Well look, You are playing a hated race/class combo, I have seen slith thieves out melee warriors. As a thief I find it better that if you continually rob people, then pass out some wares to people that could prove as useful allies. I make it common practice that if I come across something nice for a class im not playing, I start trying to find someone of note playing that class. See if they need it, and if not move down the list. I agree that cabaled chars should not be multi killing for "no" reason, but there are two sides to every story mind you. Im not calling you a liar, but Im sure the player behind it had reasons. Maybe you hunted somewhere that offended him, maybe you angered one of his in game friends, maybe you where pestering the clannies in his clan, maybe you messed one of their alternate characters and this is how they pay you back. There are a million possibilities, but sorry to hear you having such a bad time. But from my recollection, alorger made ALOT of enemies, one of my chars included. You sent out many threats about my choices, as well as attacked ALOT of people. I can remember you stealing from me, then blackjacking someone else to rob them within 5 minutes. Not to say its your fault, but maybe play more cautiously. Good luck with your next project.

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Unless you have an all-seeing eye that allows you to see everytime somebody gets killed, how do you know that "current pinns have nothing to do but just kill low-level rankers"?

I'm not saying this to cover my own back, as I don't even have a pinned character at the minute, but how do you know that the current pinns aren't constantly fighting each other? That the reason pinns are coming for you is because everyone else at pinn is occupied somehow? Even then, that doesn't matter, because you are free game as soon as you have a tag next to your name.

You're not the first person who's been killed pre-pinn, and you're not the last person who will be. But it annoys me when people complain about this sort of thing because FL is meant to be a dangerous world, not a world bound by some sort of 'honour code'. Sure, it's all good being the 'classy' player (a term I use loosely, as I think there is nothing wrong with killing pre-pinns providing there is a reason) but just beacuse someone killed you a few times pre-pinn doesn't mean you get the right to start calling people trash for doing something that is completely within their rights (as describe in the FL rules) to do so.

It sounds to me that you have a problem with the way the FL PK system works as opposed to be actual playerbase, because even though there are 'classy' players out there, if you're expecting everybody to play FL as a person who will only PK others of equal rank, equal EQ set-up and after a 30minute RP discussion then you're wrong.

Just my opinion. I don't neccessarily agree with going around destroying pre-pinns reasonless, but you just need to accept that it's part of the game and you can't expect everyone to be all lovey-dovey and honour-bound. Unless it's some sort of excessive mulit-killing without a really good reason then it is perfectly within the FL rules. Look at it this way, once you get to pinn, give them a good floundering. ;)


Though I agree with FL being a dangerous place Dey, I will say there is a great difference between dangerous and just trash. Trash is not just multi-killing. Nor is it killing people who aren't equal to you in all respects. What chaotic evil wouldn't take the upper hand if it was handed to them on a silver platter?

But on the other hand, following someone around with great rank advantage and waiting for them to un-ghost is a bit extreme. Although several factors were left out. Was the 'culprit' of an opposing clan? I can see an extreme reason for Nexus wanting to keep and potential Knight down, especially if they could cause trouble for your clan. I mean, who in their right mind would let an opposing force gain equal strength? Especially a thief! I mean comeon, no better way to weaken a powerful combo than to strip them of some of their wares and run for the hills, letting another combo finish the already weakened job.

Now, for the fine line? Multi-killing is fine past forty. Although I will say that if there were other potential adversaries about and it seemed as though they chose the weakest one to exploit over and over, then in my book that would be a bit of trash. But that's not FL law.

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Heh I didn't like Alorger, and I was one of his allies :P But other then that, stick with it next time, I thought he was going to be a force. I KNOW he was an aggressive thief, just from Alorger's own words. And he seemed to be a competant thief, with good Rp. Talking about how everyone is standing in line to get you, they don't care how you're dressed, killing you when you unghost, won't let you get a set of mithril, etc. You're preaching to the choir here. Suck it up.

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Though I agree with FL being a dangerous place Dey, I will say there is a great difference between dangerous and just trash. Trash is not just multi-killing. Nor is it killing people who aren't equal to you in all respects. What chaotic evil wouldn't take the upper hand if it was handed to them on a silver platter?

But on the other hand, following someone around with great rank advantage and waiting for them to un-ghost is a bit extreme. Although several factors were left out. Was the 'culprit' of an opposing clan? I can see an extreme reason for Nexus wanting to keep and potential Knight down, especially if they could cause trouble for your clan. I mean, who in their right mind would let an opposing force gain equal strength? Especially a thief! I mean comeon, no better way to weaken a powerful combo than to strip them of some of their wares and run for the hills, letting another combo finish the already weakened job.

Now, for the fine line? Multi-killing is fine past forty. Although I will say that if there were other potential adversaries about and it seemed as though they chose the weakest one to exploit over and over, then in my book that would be a bit of trash. But that's not FL law.

I agree with you. My point was not to condone trash. However, (like has been posted) this is not a case of innocence on the part of Alorger. And whilst there is nothing wrong with that, if you're going to **** people off, especially as a thief, be prepared to reap the consequences. FL is a dangerous place, and things get 10x as much dangerous when you make enemies, and 100x as dangerous when you make enemies prior to making your pinnacle.


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I'd like to note what he refers to as telling two friends is much more likely to guys chatting on aim ;).

The thing about ooc is it is reality. And without reality there would be no fl. We all know we should be keeping IG stuff IG, but people ooc. Some people who play FL know a lot of others, some a few, some none, whatever. I sometimes think that because knowledge of not just items but the way things work in FL is so important to gameplay I wish it was less secretive. On the other hand, figuring out something yourself is more valuable, and if you look, you can find a lot of answers from those around you and things around you, so its a tough call. But ooc will always be there.

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I hope I don't sound like I'm coming off as a prick or anything, but before you start accusing people of OOC ganging against you, really take a moment to honestly reflect on how you played Alorger, especially as with almost every character I have had without exception that has been clanned/caballed, I have reported thieves/ninjas to clan/cabal mates that have shown some sort of aggression. There is absolutely nothing bad or trashy about how you played him - you played him perfectly RPed, and exactly how you'd expect a good thief to play. But you need to realise that,

A. Making enemies with pinns prior to you being at pinn;

B. Making enemies with non-pinns prior to you being at pinn;

C. Doing A&B whilst being a thief,

is REALLY making things hard for yourself.

Like said, I really liked Alorger, both RP and PK-wise, and I'm sorry to see you delete, but that's just the way of things. Good luck with your next.


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Mr Tick: Harden up princess. You're on a PK MUD now.

When I started playing once you reached rank 43 you expected to be ruthlessly hunted by the pinnacles. You dealt with it. You didn't bitch, whine and moan. Myrek's got the best call so far this year:

'If you can't kill them at 50 you should have killed them at 40'

Spoken like a true vet, mate. :cool:

Thieves are like inmates - all innnocent. Just ask them, they'll tell you.... There all liars too....

Recently I've see players bitch, whine and moan becuase I attack them while they were defending a raid, when they weren't ready and how I should 'come back so we can fight when I am at full strength.'

Was is someone here who had the quote about soldiering?

'Soldering, dear lady, is the art of attacking your enemy when you are strong, hiding when you are weak and never, ever, for any reason fighting an enemy on equal terms.'

Harden up princesses.


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