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Yeah. The worst was the unnamed player who, after I killed them, would always tell me I was "stupid."

This spanned over 1.0 to 3.0... and I always knew who they were.

I kill them then get...

So and so tells you, "You idiot."

or "You're stupid."

It got to the point where I would egg them on to the point of deleting their chars... just so I could see the goodbye post and confirm who it was.

EDIT - They no longer play here, so... "Hear no evil, recieve no ban."

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Someone was going to report me to the Imms with Samaet once because they thought I was talking OOC trash when I said something along the lines of

"The only reason you managed to strike me was because I let you. And even then I had to try really hard to let you hit me. Not that I ever need to try really hard to do anything."

Plus a few bits saying how weak they were (meant in comparison to myself, not as a flame). I then went to meet up with them, when they said "The gods will hear about this" to try and explain (IC-ly of course) and they just killed me outright.

Ah well. :P


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