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"Of course you won, you caught me at a bad time."

"Nice job. Next time try fighting me when I'm ready."

"You're pathetic, you attack me while I'm already in battle."

The sentences above and their cousins have become very commonplace. I see it on a daily basis, coming from a great many players, and makes me sick. Why? First of all, the accusers are usually hypocrites. Second, they only complain when they lose (which does not have to include death). As in, they're not really complaining about a gang bang or whatnot, they're just angry they lost. Third, it's ridiculous to think that your enemies will stand in a neat little line, waiting their turn. Lastly, if it's your job to fight a certain group of people (e.g. Tribunes vs Syndicate), then it's part of your job to fight more than one at a time.

I know it's hard to overcome 3 characters chasing you 24/7. I know fights aren't always "fair." I know full loots make your life harder.

So what?

Suck it up; grow some testicles/ovaries. If you think your character is going to make it far in Aabahran by moaning, whining, and bitching, you're dead wrong. The characters that make a name for themselves are the ones who faced their challenges without throwing temper tantrums.

Have said all this, keep in mind that players who refuse to fight independently are also looked down upon.

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Well when those remarks are said in response to a gloating trasher, then I could understand. But just coming out and saying them I say keep it to yourself. Now there is also a little IC trashtalk that happens midfight sometimes. But when I lose I pretty much just tuck my tail inbetween my legs and go on about life. ex. 3 lvl 30-32s ganged my deleted lvl 30 awhile back. Then proceeded to gloat about how impressive their win was, I promptly told them they were pathetic little tards and they need to grow up and put on some real man shoes. Would I have said this had they not been gloating about the least impressive feat there is? No...

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If it's in RP to say that sort of thing then surely its alright, correct?


Warmaster gets blackjacked, backstabbed, trapped by a thief and dies, while he's chasing a savant

Warmaster tells thief "wait until I catch you without my back turned, then you'll be sorry you were ever born."

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If it's in RP to say that sort of thing then surely its alright, correct?


Warmaster gets blackjacked, backstabbed, trapped by a thief and dies, while he's chasing a savant

Warmaster tells thief "wait until I catch you without my back turned, then you'll be sorry you were ever born."

There's a difference between saying "I will have my revenge" and "You didn't deserve that victory." So yes, your example would be fine.

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With my current character I have had a lot of trash talkers. When I kill someone, usually I get a tell asking why. Why I did this, or why I didn't let them do that. Or why why why. I've had more then one person even go OOC with me because the level of anger I gave them I suppose. Usually if that is the case I send a pray about it and leave it at that.

I just ignore the idiots who do this because I know I get mad sometimes, but I have good self control. As where joe shmoe might not have that control. Not saying it is right though.

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Its funny, because if you keep them talking there time as a ghost slowly dwindles away and you can just can them again. :D :D

When I die, my characters usually feel like complete dolts and shut up thinking 'Its better to keep quiet and let eveyone think you're an idiot then to you open your mouth and remove all doubt'.....wait a minute, what am I saying, I never die!! :P:cool:


PS - oh yeah, mark down the name of whingers and continually multikill them. Every time you see them.

WARNING: You may need to eventually use the ignore command to stop the bitching that will come your way.

WARNING #2: With all the 'friends of friends' that everyone seems to have at lvl 50, you can probably expect a visit from a 'gang' of 'friends' That's OK though - because you never wanted a piece of these chumps, you wanted the WHOLE THING!!!!

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really? because vets have admitted to going OOC openly. should they be denied some right to play? what i am saying is that it's big talk about making a pray to IMM channel after an OOC when in fact the person could very well have calmed down. and in fact things would usually work out better that way. we're assuming you just beat someone down senseless, what do you expect anyway, you could have kept that OOC unknown outside of you and him, and instead you feel compelled to pray it, i mean whatever dude.

EDIT: You know what, I'll lay it out. Kyz i've died to a couple of you years old characters, and you do tend to lace some of your kills with literal baits for backlash. and personally i never responded. but i certainly have OOC responded to some. and people in shoutouts apologize respond to the same kind of OOC mistakes they did when they knew better. i'm saying why even bother praying it. if that person is going to OOC comment all the time they will be totally ostracized by even their peers and i know it. there is no point whatsoever in talking about how you pray it, because it should actually be uplifting to watch someone go OOC at the total beating you gave. praying it is something kind of lame IMO.

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No need to get pissy. You go OOC with me and I will report it, its that simple. If you get denied then that is your problem. Normally I would think you wouldn't get denied but just a slap on the wrist. You simply don't go OOC when its not allowed, or you get punished. SIMPLE.

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