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Well, I decided, since I have to mud from a damn MAC, I better start fresh or something. I took a really stupid death today and it made me decide to just start something else, plus I lost hella momentum with this whole moving to Oklahomoa nonsense.... man, screw mudding from mac laptops with lag... but I will overcome... anyway, yeah, time to roll something else to stomp your sacks in with.

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What the hell guys? Wheres my "Oh, what a well played character, good jub and good luck on your next project" and stuff that everyone else gets. I never get those, ever. I hate you guys, seriously, I seriously may never play FL again because of it. Might as well have not even have posted this deletion, because clearly no one cares. Grow up, people.

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My god, I was walking by the pc and caught a giant waft of jealousy. I hopped on to see what the deal was... lo and behold, it is you cry babies getting your panties in a wad cuz I rule. We're all a vacuum ladies and gentlemen, everyone sucks, but I to a far less degree than any of you mongrels.

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