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He's gone. Sick of the repeated connection-loss deaths I keep taking. Until my internet at home stabilizes a bit, I'm not likely to be playing FL much at all. Terryn was a fairly worthless character as far as I'm concerned; didn't have any special RP, and every time I got equipped I'd die to connection loss ('cept once to Dagizon, who simply outfought me). Sorry to anyone who liked having him around.

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i feel for you on the connection issue. i'm not playing until summer b/c of it, except my prob is i'm on a massive network, and peak times are completely fuggedaboutit. like i have to play from 3am-11am to get any sort of bandwidth to avoid total standstill during battle or even just walking into a room with a lot of objects or to looking at someone with a long description and a lot of equipment w/o freezing. internet problems are the crappiest way to not play FL :(

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I'd run over' date=' reset it, come back to being in jail or at my pit.[/quote']

Exactly what has happened to me several times now with Terryn. I just can't stand it. Certain types of deaths just remove all enjoyment from playing a char for me, and connection-loss deaths are one of them.

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Who do you guys go through for an ISP? I have the same problem with my router. I'd be halfway through a certain thing on the interweb, and then blammo... I'd be sitting around with my thumb up my butt waiting for the router to take it's own sweet-*** time reseting. I gave up calling my isp about it, because they'd send a service guy out. He'd check the modem, replace it, mess around with the cables outside and it'd be fine for awhile. Then the same thing would happen a few weeks later.

And yes. I do realize that home networks/routers have little to do with ISPs unless they sent someone to your house to set it up. Which they didn't at mine. The reason I ask, is because I'm on time warner's Road Runner for my connection, and I thought I was the only one that had this problem. Maybe if other people are on Time Warner with the same problem, I could rest assured knowing it wasn't my hardware, but something they were doing.


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This is our third router at this house. The first didn't work period, the second started doing this, the third continued doing it. The actual modem connection to the internet is fine; stable, fast, goes down very rarely. The router, on the other hand, seems to overload if you put any sort of strain on it for an extended period.

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plugged into an outlet? or surge/battery?

used the same network cables from modem -> router each time?

if your plugigng into an outlet, and its your third router..or your plugging into one of those "outlet strips" you know..the crappy $9.99 surge protector. You could be the victim of poor wiring in your house/apt. Not just surges but brownouts (does it drop when your AC kicks on?) can cause routers to cycle unnecesarily. If its reseting by itself 90% of the time its a power issue.

If the network cable from modem to router is bad, has bad ends or has a short this will cause your router to reset all the time. Though honestly the first item is usually the culprit.

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Our house wiring is pretty crappy... prettty much the entire place is on one circuit. Nothing we can do about it.

And it's not resetting. It just drops connection suddenly, and then when I go over and reset it the connection'll come back fine.

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Guest emp_newb
I have Adelphia' date=' and I'm experiencing similar problems. One minute I'll be playing fine, no lag. Then the next, it just cuts out. No slowdowns, no lag, the connection just drops.[/quote']

Adelphia sucks, time warner bought them out in my area, and im very happy with what Time warner is doing here, pretty reliable with nearly no lag. So now I have no excuses for my crappy losses :(

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