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Okay, I stopped talking to TDP the first time I quit for Uni for 6 months. You wouldn't happen to have been the friend of his who lived down the road who once went by AIM name CGlowsomething or another, would you? I know I haven't seen him on AIM in a while, so it'd kinda make sense. But bring TDP back, he was actually pretty cool.

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Tantangel' date=' you mean cglowbrass, right? I know him, but thats not me. That was the player of Clariana and Clavrus.[/quote']

Ah yes...C&C PK Factory.

And wasn't TDP Syndrome also punctuated by professions of quitting in addition to random rage deletes/suicides?

(Oh...and all you high-horse ridin' junkies who think you don't have TDP Syndrome, you have the more advanced FNP Syndrome when you give up on a project. ;) )

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Yeah, I didn't really finish it because just in case he didn't want to have his AIM posted all over the forum. But yeah, that's the person alright. Haven't heard from them since like 2003ish. And what the hell is FNP? TDP Syndrome was always deleting in a fit of rage after being PKed by someone, usually someone you know you should've beat. Which is what I developed hardcore after TDP left. :P

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I'd think that more like the BS. Boredom Syndrome. People get tired of waiting for something then delete and go onto something else. Or the QCR Syndrome. Quest Class/Race Syndrome where once people don't get what they want, they delete over the rejection rather than play through. Can go on and on and on about different Syndromes, but there's only one true one since it goes after an old FLer, which just happens to be the TDP Syndrome. Which from time to time a wave goes through every FLer, but not all of them follow through with it. :P

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