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be afraid. very afraid.

Be very afraid of Ronald McDonald's transfatty acid cooking oil.

I'm even thinking of joining the Light side of the force' date=' I'm realizing I did some very very bad things to people. But will try to make up for my past :) wrongdoings. :)[/quote']

Your punishment for your wrongs will be longlasting and painful. ;)

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If this were a pool hall, and you'd bet me one hundred bucks that I couldn't sink all seven stripes and the eight ball (stripes first, eight last so as not to scratch) on the break, and I did it, and you hadn't payed up yet (four or five weeks later), I'd have shot/stabbed you by now, and payed a large, inebriated black man who defines the term "hung like a horse" to ravage your corpse. Then I would sell your desecrated remains to Michael Jackson so that, much like the Elephant Man, he can add you to the mini-amusement park at the Never Land Ranch and use you to attract small children with which to satiate his devious pleasures.

You cruel, heartless bastard. By not giving us a picture, you are, in essence, fueling Michael Jackson's pedophilic urges.


Seriously. Do you want him around YOUR kids (assuming we leave you alive/genitally intact long enough to have kids, if you don't fork over a picture soon)?

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You cruel, heartless bastard. By not giving us a picture, you are, in essence, fueling Michael Jackson's pedophilic urges.

And that sir, is just plain wrong, I mean, he has a big enough problem as is, do you really want to make it worse? Remember, theres a sign at neverland ranch that says you must be 3 1/2 feet to ride Michael.

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