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Gimledoc Sunforge


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Forgot to even add what I meant to add in the first place. :P

From what I heard of Gimledoc, you were tough. Obviously, as you're a good BLM player. Sorry you didn't stick it out, because Knight really could have used someone like you in their ranks with Nexus numbers being so high at the minute.


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I never called you dumb, I just think you have a defeatist attitude from all your posts on this thread. You have made some statements that are completely untrue just to support your......"argument" All I am saying is that if you turn all your efforts to improving yourself and achieving your goals instead of trying to find reasons beyond your control and blaming them, you will probably be a happier person.

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Alright. I obviously am not expressing what I mean properly. Disregard everything I have said except this: There have been multiple wars fought and ended faster than the app process. That strikes me as a bit strange and I think that with a small increase to the IMM pool we could alter that very interesting fact. Sorry if I offended anyone, I'm kinda hungover and pretty hungry.

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My advice is to never have a quest applicant that is deep, well-thought out, and reflective unless you are already famous at 50 and it is a remort app. I can't tell how many times my chars have been rejected in lieu of somebody who was more aggressive using shallow RP.

If you really want a qrace quickly, make sure you have these things:

1. Rp that yells. You want this because imms can hear all yells. It sounds lame, but it is effective. More points for yelling random, incomprehensible things. Clan chat works too, if you join the respective IMM's cabal.

2. Aggressive pk. This is part of the shallow, outgoing bit. Don't play your char as they would really be (if they are intelligent) but instead randomly kill people in a somewhat RPish way. Get a list of one-liners. (try to yell those)

3. Don't sit online for a lot of hours. You are most likely to be looked at right after you send your app, when you make a pk, when you yell/clan chat, or when you log on. So log on and off frequently. This draws attention to your char and saves you a lot of time if you wait for the imm to be online and visible. Just log on and off every hour or so and do some very aggressive, LOUD RP and a PK then log off. Repeat until you get it.

4. Don't train. Once an IMM sees you training, they'll probably never look at you again until they think you might be doing something else. If you need to train, randomly yell while doing so.

5. Make sure your RP is very straight forward so that even the busiest IMM can understand it instantly. The key here is not to have an impressive RP, but to have one that is understood quickly by the IMM. Yes, it seems lame, but the undead-wannabe blabbering sadist loyal-beyond-death applicant who wants to destroy the world has a better shot than someone with feasible, yet complex and more passive RP.

6. Emote. Pmote. Smote. Make some aliases that replace your smile with whatever smile you want. Make a lot of them. If you are feeling particularly savvy, make a trigger that automatically launches every 5-10 minutes or so. We call these life simulator protocols. Just have a trigger that makes your character seem alive and works in almost every situation. Even if you just readjust your armor, automatic emotes work well. Think of mobs that do this. Now do it like them, except make a bunch of them so that you don't repeat it a lot and it looks like real RP, and that it looks like you did the work to type it out so quickly, you great RPer you.

7. Don't kill the same person more than once every day, unless you really need the pk boost. Lame, but hardly ever reported and really doesn't cut your chances -too- much.

8. Don't cheat after you send your app.

9. Don't gang. Ever.

10. Don't get angry.

11. Don't argue with IMMs.

12. Do NOT delete.

13. Don't leave your password out so other people can log in your chars (comeon people).

14. Don't go OOC too much. If you do, try to cover it up as shallow RP rather than to admit your mistake.

15. Pester your IMM and other IMMs with tells to get attention. If done skillfully, this will really speed things along. Don't be an idiot though.

(following this advice will get you the said quest thing most likely, but you will eventually degenerate into someone who is not well-liked in the FL community, especially by me :P)

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Yeah why cut cookies when you want a piece of the cake. Or atleast thats how I go about it. Maybe it doesn't make sense to you' date=' but it does to me.:P[/quote']

Your state of mind must be as altered as mine right now, because that did make sense to me.

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If you don't like the wait it takes to get a qrace/class then just don't try for it. I've personally got a qrace/class in two days, and then I've had some that took as much as a month. Other factors go into it than just you applying and getting watched. Imagine all the other people that might be going for the same thing as you are. Perhaps youd don't see them, that doesn't mean they aren't there.

You all have your own standards of what role play should be, and when it isn't just that, then it just isn't role play now is it? Some people are here for role play, and some are here for pk, even some are here for a mixture of both. Just because they are slack in some area doesn't mean they should be put down for it. Everyone just wants it their way and when they don't get it they come on forum and post how something is wrong with the system. I even do it myself.

Didn't really interact with Gimledoc much but was decent from what I did. Don't give up so easily next time. It's hard to have fun when you set your goal to something and you don't want to do what it takes to achieve it so you just end up wasting time by deleting.

Imagine how many hours you have spent on characters in the past that you just deleted for one reason or another.

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I understand that that is how things are done' date=' but when you want to play something you want it then. Two weeks later you most likely have a completely different idea. [/quote']

This is exactly why I will not just give anyone a q-class. It is not just a novelty thing where you get a new toy and then throw it away once it is not "shiny" anymore. Nothing raises my blood pressure more than giving someone a q-class who then just deletes or stops playing a week later because "they have a better idea" or "they want to play something new". Not only is it a waste of my time, but it is a waste of my effort/investment too. If you want a qclass, you will PROVE that you not only have what it takes but that you are committed to the idea.

As to Celerity - can you tone down the elitist holier-than-thou attitude just a notch. Thank you.

As to the original purpose of this thread - A shame to see characters end before they really start.

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