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Is there a general way to have quest givers repeat what I have to do? I'm on a certain quest and I only have whats in the quest log to go by and from what I remember he did specify a bit more what I needed to do. With some people you can go back in and they will say "You havent done this or that yet!" but this guy will not. I've also tried to general "work", "quest" statements but to no avail.

I think that I'm on the right track with the quest and I'm having tons of fun exploring parts of the world but it frustrates me as I think he did say a little bit more about _exactly_ where I should look.

Anyway, thank you for any pointers. If there is no way to do this, can I abandon a quest and go back to get it?

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They are more specific when they first give the quest, and also when you get to the first part of the quest also, where the mob tells you to take item X to mob Y for example.

It is a bit annoying that it's not as specific in the quest list. I am 99% certain you can't find that information out again apart from scrolling up in your scrollback buffer.


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  • Implementor

Typing q will usually give you a line with what you are supposed to do. If you see a before the quest, it is temporary and will disapear if a shift happens or you log off. If you still can't figure it out just pray or send us a note in game (note to Immortal) and one of us will point you in the right direction.

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