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The Baptism of Deykari....


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TODAY my brothers and sisters, we gather here for what is to be the first in a long line of spiritual awakenings. Today, we gather here for the BAPTISM of Brother Deykari. CAN I GET AN AMEN FOR BROTHER DEY?!?! AAAAMMMEEEENNNN!!!!!!!!!!

We begin by reading from the Book, that Most Holy Book, The Bible of Aabahran. Now, the Reverend has done much soul searching. HE has been LISTENING to Brother Dey. HE has been WATCHING Brother Dey. And let the Reverend tell you, this boy has a DEMON inside of him. Malchaeius 6:66 says, "And behold! For unto the world shall there walk one who is pure. But pure is a lie. For buried deep within the soul is the Nexus. The Gate of Unholy Brimstone that provokes the blizzard of blood. Tongues shall cut deeply into hearts and minds while axes rend and chop the spine that is the mortal coil."

One could wonder what this cryptic passage means. well, let the Reverend sum it up in one word: REVENGE! That's right. The Reverend said REVENGE! With the Power of Malchaeius and the Gate, Brother Dey will RISE UP and STRIKE FURY upon those who doubt that he is....A PK GOD!

*sprinkles blood onto the head of Deykari*


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The Rev's gonna take a break.

I'm really stressed out about quite a few things, real life and in game.

I'm sorry to anyone I've offended recently or anything I may have said that was just plain dumb on my part. Truly sorry....:(

EDIT: Just for content, this has nothing to do with what anyone says. I'm just super duper stressed out and depressed right now. Peace. I love you guys and I'll see you all in a few weeks or so...

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Too often? I've only seen like 3 posts from the Rev. I like it :D

...And preachy? Isn't that kinda the point? lol

The sarcasm was the point. :rolleyes:

Valek, hope you square everything up. You've always been a nice guy, and nice guys shouldn't get depressed.

Oh, and flaming me is mistake, masterofpie. I will leave it at that.

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Why do you always try and make yourself sound greater then everyone else in all of your posts? Come down off of your pedestal there guy... Flaming you is a mistake? Like seriously what are you going to do? Watch out everyone Savnt's gonna show everyone why it is a mistake to flame him. *Yawn* wake me up whenever your ready...:D

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Why do you always try and make yourself sound greater then everyone else in all of your posts? Come down off of your pedestal there guy... Flaming you is a mistake? Like seriously what are you going to do? Watch out everyone Savnt's gonna show everyone why it is a mistake to flame him. *Yawn* wake me up whenever your ready...:D

Who are you? Last I checked, no one of interest who hasn't ever played anyone of interest.. who has never killed anyone of interest or been involved with anything of interest. Quiet down, my telling him not to flame me on the open market has nothing to do with you. However, if you want to jump in, I guess you just opened yourself up.

But, I suppose the statement by an imm, namely rargaant marks me taking off. I don't know about Thuggin, but I do remember the swastikas that used to mark every one of your antiflame-nazi posts... regardless of if they were flame attempts in reality. I thought, hey.. "Good on, this guy. He is trying to clean up." I suppose the crusade is over, eh? I would suggest putting more time in to keeping up with your cabal, and less on your morts and getting involved with negative player banter on the forums.

Pieman, I don't know where you are getting me not having fun recently... I haven't played in a bit... and when I have, it was to roll up a ninja for the underdog for maybe two weeks while I had free time from school and work. I accomplish what I want, and delete when left in limbo...

Like I said, I realize calling an imm out on forum begs a ban, so... bye bye folks. I won't bother checking back. I haven't taken the game too seriously in a while anyways and have been sticking around to see if something new and exciting would spring up, and it seems like all the folks who made it enjoyable are leaving or going on hiatus (including the individual imms).

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Who are you? Last I checked' date=' no one of interest who hasn't ever played anyone of interest.. who has never killed anyone of interest or been involved with anything of interest. [/quote']

Not wanting to fuel the fire here, but you're wrong. On all four accounts. ;)

And even if you weren't wrong, elitist comments like that really can really make a person lose respect for another.


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Haven't touched morts in a long while, Savnt. Been far too busy, admittedly causing some considerable decline in my hours for my cabal as compared to before, and the situation has been exacerbated by an extremely unpredictably bad internet connection. I certainly won't bother to deny that, as it's true.

That being said, the whole "Displeasing me is a mistake, let's leave it at that" esque comments really does rather sound vaguely pseudo-Vader'ish/e-thuggin', truth be told, and most certainly is an invitation for some well-deserved jabs, especially considering what more than one member of the community, evidently, feels to be an unnecessary amount of negativity directed by you across more than one thread towards a person who sought to do nothing but lighten the mood with threads that, apparently, hold no interest for you, but bring a decent amount of amusement to the rest of the forum.

In short, a harmlessly amusing thread was unnecessarily and meaninglessly injected with a dose of negativity by you, followed by vaguely dire (and frankly, just a bit comical) warnings after someone called you out on it, has, quite sadly and unnecessarily, led to a mood in this thread that is quite contrary to the benevolent intent of the original poster.

Now, despite what you might imagine, I personally don't think that your comments about me, or any of the comments thus far in this thread, really, warrant bans to date (although the comments between you and EyeSeeU are getting borderline redmarkerable...simmer down, y'all). Nor am I going to lock this thread at this point in time, since locking it after making a moderately length post addressing you specifically would simply seem petty, as though I am 'abusing' mod powers to make sure I get the last word. Like I have commented, though, I do think that there really is unnecessary negativity, and while I might not ban or redmarker that, I certainly will, as necessary, bring it up explicitly. My original comment was meant to be just a little friendly jab and wink to lighten up (as opposed to this 'don't flame me...or else...(cue dramatic music) atmosphere), but as you seem to have misunderstood the subtle message, alas, I am forced to elaborate it more plainly. Woe is me.

Anyhow, to finish, do lighten up a bit and cut down on the negativity.

Oh, and never disrespect the Reverend. Testify!

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