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I am glad to see that this place is still up and kicking. I'll be rolling up a character or two to blow off steam with after a bad day at the tables. Since I'll be playing from time to time, I thought that I'd say "HI" to everybody that is still around. Valek, LA, Behrens, Myrek, AG, WC, etc.

A little background on me: I started back in 1.0, about 6 months after beta, I believe. I've taken several breaks. I've never had a pinn. I did have a lvl 48 voker before the 2.0 pwipe, though. I seem to keep coming back to FL... I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

I've spent the past couple of years playing serious poker for a living, and I'm looking forward to translating aggressive poker play into aggressive PK strategies, and getting my first pinn.

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