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Impressions after three weeks here.


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So, as you might have read in my last post I'm pretty new here (had some chars in 1.0 and early 2.0 but nothing spectacular). Just figured I was going to post my impressions of this place after three weeks of playing.

First of all, general RP standard is way up from what I remember. Although my character(s) here this time around has not been involved in anything spectacular I strongly feel that the average RP and time spent on character development has increased since the last time I was here. I've yet to see anyone go OOC and most chars I've interacted it has been funny, cruel, goal-oriented or just plain interesting in one way or the other.

PK-skills are up. Given I've never been a PK-monster in any way (working on becoming more aggressive in that department this time around) I've faced far more resistance during these characters than ever before.

Player count is down, but from what I gather up since this place was shut down, and playing from europe during the day usually renders 4 or 5 people online at the same time. I vote as often as I can and remember and try to spread the word about the MUD since I strongly feel that the only thing that is negative about this MUD right now is the smallish playerbase.

So, thank you to all the players for providing me with fun characters to interact and fight with. And also to the IMMs for providing this game for free.

Enough with the brown nose, see you in game.

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