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Mister E

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| Tutezbah || the Holy Shaman |


| Str: xx || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 57(215h) |

| Int: xx || Class: shaman Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: xx || Race : undead Align: evil |

| Dex: xx || Hp : 865/865 Exp : 22163/421837 |

| Con: xx || Mana : 786/1038 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 437/437 +Hit: 12 +Dam: 24 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Chayesh |

| Slash : -381 || Spell : -4 || Faith : Cycle |

| Pierce: -363 || Afflictive : -45 || Weight: 230/475 |

| Blunt : -386 || Maledictive: -36 || Items : 25/38 |

| Magic : -267 || Mental : -12 || Prac : 8 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 37k |


/ Condition: You have a few cuts and bruises. \

| [NEXUS] forces are aiding your violent instincts. |


That was me more or less in my prime.


| Tutezbah || the Holy Shaman |


| Str: xx || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 64(257h) |

| Int: xx || Class: shaman Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: xx || Race : undead Align: evil |

| Dex: xx || Hp : 85/716 Exp : 142163/301837 |

| Con: xx || Mana : 205/923 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 407/407 +Hit: 4 +Dam: 6 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Chayesh |

| Slash : 40 || Spell : 0 || Faith : Cycle |

| Pierce: 40 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 0/375 |

| Blunt : 40 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 0/38 |

| Magic : 40 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 8 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 53 |


/ Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds. \

| You are a ghost. |


That was me when I decided to end this character.

Imms please deny him as I set a delpass.

Props to Chayesh for the chance to play my first qrace. I enjoyed myself for the mostpart except towards the end I started to get very frustrated. I would spend about 5 hours solo equipping only to lose it all in much less time. I guess I had too many enemies which is my fault, even among people who could have turned into allies. I am obviously not good enough to play a syndicate as this is my 4th character not to get into that cabal. Although I made V with this one. Took about 8 teleport deaths here and there which really sucks, especially since I forced a ton of other to teleport and it seemed they never shared my fate.

Major props to all the Death worshipers who waited at 30 with me trying to get undead. Props to Minover for helping me re-equip a few times, props to all of the nexus for their help here and there except for one person who knows who they are. (not blaming you for my deletion, but you pushed me over the edge with those final multikills) Props to Enellelisel for some great fights, Dregor for putting up with my crap and bouncing back, props to Corinkorth for scaring me into not breaking the law when you are around.

Props to Ghirk for some good fights and major props to Rinthilaz for being a scary scary beast. As I write this and think back I had some great times and I probably learned more on this char than on any others. Unfortunately for me I picked a tough combo when it comes to solo equipping and friend making, so when I died it was like oh damn....Literally almost 6 hours for me to get any decent gear back. Anyway, I hadnt been able to log nearly as much as I had before now that RL is getting busy. New Job in my life and maybe a new woman too, we'll see after tonight, but thanks for all those I interacted with, Ill still be around with some other projects, just not as much.

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Guest emp_newb

Sad to see you go, we had some INTERESTING bouts, from one of my chars around 30, to the pinn Im playing right now. sad to see you go man, You had alot of potential, playing a shammy is disorienting at first, espescially when you pinn, and your a qrace like that. I wished you had stuck around a bit, you would have gotten the swing of it. But good luck on your next project.

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Im not a vet, thats my problem. Im not a noob either, another problem. I see tons of noobs on cabals these days, and tons of vets. Its the hardest for someone like me in the middle. On the one hand I know enough not to be forgiven for making mistakes, on the other Im not good enough to get the nod from above. I have still only ever been in one cabal, and its cuz back then I was a noob who was given a chance. Since then I have failed to get into three that I thought I tried my best to get into. Oh well, maybe my next project will work out.

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I don't really wanna derail the thread here with what I think it takes to get into a cabal. I always figured as long as you try your best with pk and rp combined and log enough hours you'd get in. But now I'd add that if you want to get into a cabal do not expect it will happen, thats a good way to become disapointed and then jaded. I guess grudges are human nature, but I decided a long time ago I will never ever roll a tribunal under Prax cuz I felt I was screwed over. But that's another reason it is tough to be a pinn uncaballed these days, there is a LOT of talent out there, some real powerhouse combos. I for one could not even scratch Corinkorth for instance, this makes it hard to get accepted by the syndicate when you are helpless against their biggest enemy.

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  • Implementor

0 You are in the prime of your health

10 You have a few cuts and bruises.

20 You are a bit worn out from your wounds

30 You are covered with deep scars and lacerations.

40 You have sustained mortal injuries in your travels

50 Death is knocking at your door

60 The next death will send you beyond the abyss

61 Bye.

So, nope. Not 30 yet.

Having watched you on your last couple pinns, here a couple tips:

-make less enemies in the low ranks (you're great at that ;) )

-be more patient

-do more clanquests

-play your char at least 6 weeks at pinn before even thinking "What am I doing wrong not to get caballed?"

-most Imms really look for dedication, as we're not happy with people deleting or never logging on once they are in a cabal

-getting your arse handed to you is a lot less bad than logging off every time and not even trying (not saying you did that, just in general).

-if you think you are going nowhere with a char, TALK/NOTE to your wanna-be cabal Imm. If it goes good, you'll get advice on what to do, if it goes bad you can still delete and loose nothing. I think I posted this one on your last deletion thread as well. :P

All in all you ARE improving, what you primary lack is patience.

Edit: master teleport if you have the spell. Worth it in my experience.

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I for one could not even scratch Corinkorth for instance' date=' this makes it hard to get accepted by the syndicate when you are helpless against their biggest enemy.[/quote']

How many of your fights did you and review when you were offline to try to work out what could be done better?

How many did you post on the forum and ask for advice from?

Most of beating the tougher 'combos' in PK is really getting the right advice from the right people. In my experience, a lot of players pick race/class/cabal combo's that come into strength fast and use this to kill others. Once you find the holes in their game (and belive me, the guys who only play the 'power' combo's have holes everywehre) you just have to keep working on it until you can take them.

Shaman vs ogre anything shouldn't be that hard for the shaman. Undead shaman vs ogre anything in on the nastier side for both parties so you need to get a big brass pair, avoid shrinkage and kick some ***.

PM me if you want some ideas for next time.



PS - it can be hard no being caballed, but once you start overcoming the caballed chars as a non-caballed you'll probably find that you get noticed quite quickly.

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PS - it can be hard no being caballed' date=' but once you start overcoming the caballed chars as a non-caballed you'll probably find that you get noticed quite quickly.[/quote']

Certainly some Imms are harder to please than others (be it the PK requirements of the cabal itself or personal IMM opinion) - I, as Nhaudamiel - roughly 8 months ago or so, had an uphill battle against Martineius which caused me a huge amount of frustration. I thought about deleting numerous times, went OOC in-game a few times out of anger, etc...but I didn't give up, nor did Eshaine give up on me. I also rolled another bmg to help me learn more about the class as Nhaudy was my first bmg.

I guess what I'm trying to say is (you've screwed all contending qclass applicants :D ) next time, possibly try doing what I did - roll another shaman, or whatever, learn your downfalls, be more ballsy, etc...I never interacted w/ Tutey but I can certainly relate to the frustration when you're not used to being on the losing end :)

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I know I usualy only get into watcher... Ive been in there a few times and tribunal once... The main thing I did was fight everyone who was a enemy of the cabal. Martiniues I fought so many times I dreamed about that stupid vampire. You don't have to be good, you just have to make honest attempts at doing what your suppose to do.

The game is ment to be fun, I had fun RPing with marty as we bashed back and forth, once I became watcher, I got respect from him and he would always give me 24 hours to EQuip before he came after me. It got so he even let me fight just the other tribunals so we would all learn.

Just keep cugging along I guess is my point, play to play and when you get into the cabal "SUPRISE!"

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Thanks for all the advice guys. I'm not gonna lie, I feel stupid for deleting early but I can't change that now. And L-A I really did look over logs and think about things I could and should have done differently. But when it came to actually getting it done I would either freeze when the moment came, or just end up eating way too much damage before I could land a single mal. But as Pali said, the the worst part was dying. I probably would have hung in there longer if I had been able to survive better, but for some reason I could not discipline myself to hit and run. I was even told numerous times by people to flee sooner and get my hp back up, yet I'd always stick around and try for one more mal.

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