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Tell self XXXX


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I have a question that has been bugging me for the longest, can you use tell self as a trigger? Like if you use it in the LA strategy guide and have it to where a spell falling is something more than just in the mix. I mean, I see no reason not to...but it says dirty to me.

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It's only the same as having a script on your client that highlights in colour when a critical spell falls, except when you use a script, it doesn't count as a command which could have been spent better fleeing when you're being laglocked and you have the chance to just get that one command in. ;)

Telling yourself things can be described as thoughts, like.

Dobson walks in.

You tell yourself, "Wow, it's Dobson."

What's dirty about sensing the magical fields around you falling at last minute, and thinking to yourself?

You tell yourself, "I think my spell of sanctuary has just fallen."

Perfectly IC, and helpful OOC.

Now, add into the fact that our characters have the ability to know when spells are going to fall anyway (detect magic/affects list) and it's not really that dirty to be doing that.


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Weapon/shield pick-up triggers are nasty. You'll regret having them up next time you're laglocked and disarmed and when you have that one opportunity to flee, you enter a "get 1." instead. :P

I have my MUD client highlight in bright green text whenever sanctuary/protective shield/protection good or evil fall, and when I am weapon/shield disarmed or cleaved. Takes two seconds to set up, and is a big help.


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My point wasn't about 'get 1.' or whatever. It was more along the lines of, say, fighting a DK. Warlock is bashlocking you. The bashlock breaks giving you chance to put in one command. Now, normally, you'd have flee ready in here to go. But because you had that trigger active and the DK disarmed you, you picked your weapon up instead, and Warlock landed another bash.

There are a couple of other instances where this can be nasty too. For the most part, they can be fine, I just have a real problem with myself using triggers for anything, just because I've had bad experiences where they've gotten me killed.


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There are a couple of other instances where this can be nasty too. For the most part, they can be fine, I just have a real problem with myself using triggers for anything, just because I've had bad experiences where they've gotten me killed.

So in other words Dey; Same **** different day?

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To whoever was still on Gmud - if you want a step in the right direction without going all the way to Zmud (the powergamers client if ever there is one!) Try MUCHclient, I actually prefer it over Zmud for FL, as there is so much support for it already with Matts scripts and mods that he has written with FL in mind.

Plus making triggers etc is a breeze, literally you can just cut and paste the data you want to trigger on into the trigger input box, replacing and variables with a * and then type out your output.

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really, they do...

I always set highlights as i level a character...especially to make sure i dont miss when certain spells hit...a good example is flashfire.

You flashfire five mobs and blind three of them, highlight the msg for success in green and fail in red and you can very easily see without even reading the mass of spammy text that you have succeded or failed. Works great in pvp especially against anyone who has pets..

Same works for mal's hitting you, have that msg that you got cursed show up in blinking red text and you will not waste time trying to cast word.

Another thing i do is highlight "2 hours." in yellow as well as "1 hours." and "0 hours." in red...that way when i type aff i can see what about to crash at a glance...also helps when i look at opponents. If i look at that blasted monk and see empower has a red time after it without even reading the time i can instantly pick up on that their empowerment is about to crash.

Highlights are great, they let things stand out and they also let you fade things to the back, i highlight all my defensive moves in dark blue, yeah i can see them but it makes them more like background text. It helps someitmes to have all those dual parries and terra-shield defences subdued so you can see the battle better.

If your using a client that doesnt support highlights switch, and if your using tells to "highlight" things, stop...dey makes a good point, nothing is worse than being bashlocked and when you have that small hair of space for that flee you've been spamming to kick in you get a tell to yourself saying your detect magic just dropped. :cool:

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I use certain colors to tell me whats going on...

The important one, sanc is a bright white and I have various other colors for "good" spells affecting me.

I then use cyan for any "negative" affect I caused on my enemy. Poison, blind, etc.

I then use grey for any skill that lands effectively, such as a slith autotrip, or my charmie bash/trip. :)

Triggers that make you do actual commands are for newbs and will screw you over big time.

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PortalGT is really good but it has one huge flaw that makes me want to beat my own face in with a three-year old garden shovel, and that's the auto-typer. I usually keep my opening skill/spell in the clipboard (such as 'murder player') so I can run in, CTRL+V and then hit enter. Thing is, CTRL + ENTER brings up a pop-up screen that you type into. So if you let your finger linger on the CTRL key even a moment too long after you paste, you essentialy shoot yourself in the foot as you have to manually click and close the screen (you can't type whilst it's open). A good few times now with characters have I just been about to deliver a finishing blow to find myself stuck for 2-3 seconds closing some window instead.


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