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Stytnlye, Balforian, Oorthuk


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Hey all, my family buisness has exploded..which is good..but its bad for mudding...

I will be taking a short to extended Mud vacation for the time being, Thanks to Anithraril for being the awesome imm he is...and thanks to all who RP with Sytnlye, my second and i think better necromancer.

Balforian and Oorthuk really didnt do much, but to those that knew them thanks for the RP.

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Guest emp_newb

Bah, I wanted to kill all of you, for various reasons mind you ;) But gratzy on the family business stuff, have fun killer. Hopefully you can come back sometime.

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What's the family business? Ooh! D'you work in a family-run crackhouse too?


when your done reading this i will have to kill you.


We route and audit freight for companies like Napa auto parts...The part thats growing is our software devlopment for our existing clients who want us to do things like design them a custom recieving system, and rollout nationwide freight routing software at hundreds of distribution centers, which involves much much leg work on mine and my fathers part.

My grandfather founded the buisness 26 years ago, and we began the process of re-inviting his wheel about three years ago.

We also facilitate actual work from home, my wife, for example...enters freight bills for us via vpn and makes a good $500 a week working less than part time. :cool:

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