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From the Peikloz Collection: Invokers Guide


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By Peikloz INVOKERS A guide to blown-up-weapons and destroyed equipement.




In general when beginning as an Invoker, you aren't the first in the list when it comes to rank with. As you become more powerful you also become more useful. The time that you have when there is people preferring to rank with others can be used for training the most useful spells. Just about rank 35 it is all uphill. Unless a cleric, healer or shaman is about.. You're most likely very attractive to be with. The pinnacle is fairly easy to get to, if you are watchful, as you should. Invokers have the most powerful spells in Thera, which should be trained. Many avoid being in a PK-fight with them as they can loose equipement and weapons if the mage gets lucky. As they have spells against just about every race, you'll quickly learn their vulneribilities and the tactics to use them. You should be able to plan a strategy for each opponent that you may enter PK with in Forsaken Lands. Invokers have just about every useful spell to make it difficult to die, almost impossible.. All you need to learn is the preperations. You can always see those that are Invisible and hide from those that can't. You will almost at all times be able to avoid an enemy. This will make you able to learn when you should retreat from PK-attempt. I shall explain later why. All which has been stated before should explain that this class is useful for both the beginner and the experienced player. You will guaranteed learn much from playing an invoker, no matter of the time here at Forsaken Lands.





The available races for becoming an invoker is many and much of your future strategies depend on the race you choose. Read the 'help race' in the creation process for information about the Races. The race I like the most for invokers is the Avian and it is because they have auto-flight and good stats, Their vuln is easily avoided as well. I show the stats to let you get some clue. Know that all except humans have vulneribilities, resistances and some may have unique abilities. Invokers have 15 Skills and 43 Spells as it is a mage-class. Therefore, all stats that you can get at the beginning is very important. You should try for 51 or above. It all depends on how patient you are, but it is worth the time. Focus on maxing the INT, WIS and CON at the creation, so that you gain the max at each level you gain. Then focus more towards DEX. As you can have the practice weapon wielded, your STR is more than enough for now, this should be the last stat that you maximize.


Human: Max: Str: 20 Int: 21 Wis: 20 Dex: 20 Con: 20


Elf: Max: Str: 18 Int: 25 Wis: 20 Dex: 23 Con: 16


Drow: Max: Str: 18 Int: 24 Wis: 20 Dex: 24 Con: 16


Gnomes: Max: Str: 18 Int: 23 Wis: 25 Dex: 18 Con: 18


Avians: Max: Str: 19 Int: 21 Wis: 21 Dex: 23 Con: 19


Faeries:Max: Str: 14 Int: 25 Wis: 20 Dex: 23 Con: 14





As you will most likely face many cleric/mage-classes I would suggest to search for saves-equipement. No need to have vs afflictive and as your spells will be of high level with a fully mana-charged weapon, it will be difficult to dispel you. Focus therefore mostly on vs mals. I would also seek equipement that would allow me to have more hp and mana and after that.. More ac never hurts, don't focus towards magic (no need, since you have mana shield). Use your allowed extra rare room for equipement with higher ac and a spare staff (with decent charge).





*Fast Healing: This will go up as you use your spell 'Mystical Tendrils' often as an invoker, I shall explain it later. --master--


*Trance: Improves the rate at which you regain mana. Goes quicker when you sleep. Goes up as you cast your spells (training). --master--


*Meditation: !Note, only monks benifit from 'meditate'. This is automatically so that you gain mana quicker. Goes up as you cast your spells (training). --master--


*Haggle: Is what it sounds as, useful when buying all those flight scrolls. --master--


*Parry: As this is your ONLY way to avoid your enemies physical attacks, I suggest you train it ASAP when you've practiced it. --master--


*Hand To Hand: As I believe it makes you able to avoid the hits more easily, I suggest you train it once you've practiced the second attack. --master--


*Staff, Dagger and Mace: Practice during your way up in ranks. Don't bother training this until you've gotten the second attack. When these are trained, your chances of parrying is better. --master--


*Scrolls, Staves and Wands: Once you've found certain items, you'll appreciate these skills. It will improve your chance to survive A LOT.


*Mana Charge: One of the most useful skills that an Invoker have. Experiment with it and figure out how to charge it to full capacity. Word of advice, begin with a higher charge and go down to lower charges, if it would flare back it you. !Warning, Be careful.. You may die, if done WRONG.





--Useful Spells--


'Faerie Fog' >area spell< It would create a yellow aura around those affected, which prevents people from hiding and camouflaging. Doesn't work each time you cast it. --master--


'Identify': Shows what an item is useful for.


'Detect Invis': You see those using 'Invisible'.


'Detect Magic': When looking on someone you have a chance to see the "magical enchantments" that affects that person. A good useful situation is against dark-knights. At the right timing you can run in and wake the sleeping mob and cause some serious trouble.


'Create Food' & 'Create Spring': Useful for making food and water. I suggest buying the food at your beginning ranks however.


'Know Alignment': Use it to find out what effects someones 'Path of Deceit' or 'Holy Hands' may make. Can also be used for roleplay purposes.


'Locate Object': Useful in searching for the rare and useful items within the Forsaken Lands. With this there is little that can avoid you. Useful to find out how many vials your opponent has left as well.


'Control Weather' as will be nemptioned later can make the weather worse to benifit yourself. Rangers and other invokers can take advantage of the weather as well, so make sure to have a good weather if you believe that they'll use this as an advantage. This enables you to use another shield and can make more damage quickly.


'Word of Recall': Useful for a transport to your temple. Do not use it when you're very near your temple or if you expect your foe to be standing there. Do not work if cursed. --master--


'Teleport': Used as a last resort for a chance to survive when you're cursed. You simply roll the dice and hopefully you'll end up somewhere peaceful. --master-- --



Useless Spells--


'Create water', As you will learn 'Create Spring' it will become very useless. Can be used for roleplay purposes, I am sure.


'Burning Hands', As you will learn more effective spells at later ranks it will become pretty much useless.


'Infravision', some races have this as an ability. Others can compensate it by buying a torch and getting a permanent lightsource very quickly. Only real use I can think of is when you suspect a thief may steal the lightsource.



--Protective Spells--


The spells that always should be used when you expect a threat to be near is 'Protective Shield' (prevents bash, bodyslam, throws et.c.) and 'Sanctuary' (lowers damage almost by half). Combined with a potion/scroll of flight (prevents tripping) you should always be able to flee from a battle. You also have knowledge in the spells 'Armor' and 'Shield'. Use them! There are also lots of scrolls, potions, pills that may grant more protections and healings. 'Protection Evil', 'Protection Good', 'Flesh Armor', 'Virtous Light', 'Stone Skin', 'Bless' and 'Cure Critical' are a few examples. Find them - use them! The more protections and tools for your survival - the better.



--Offensive Spells--


Invokers have Three Shields which can only be used one at a time. The 'Ice Shield' which reduces fire damage done towards you and increases ice damage done by yourself and the foe towards you. The 'Fire Shield' does the opposite. Both of those shields can make an attack if you're the one that they fight. The 'Mana Shield' absorbs magical damage done towards you, at the cost of mana. Be watchful at what kind of weapons your enemy uses and choose the shield. Make sure to switch now and then, so there's no pattern.. If he runs and switches weapons, do the same.. run and cast 'Cancellation' for your shield and change it to a more appropriate shield. The shield-choice is VERY important. The wrong selection may loose you the fight.


'Dispel Magic' is needed to outdamage the opponent. Always focus to fight them when they haven't got Sanctuary and when you do. This strategy may work at times - sometimes not, but keep trying. Noone got an endless supply of potions or mana. --Master it!--


'Chain lightning' should be used against clerics and such which use a shield to reflect or consume the afflictive damage. --master if you suspect to fight with it--


'Cancellation' which was mentioned earlier can be used to strategically replace the time of certain spells and "get the timing right" which means that you can control when the spells falls. Very useful before a battle starts. --worth to Master, but not necessary--


'Faerie Fire' can be used if you catch someone sleeping for lowering their ac. I would expect you to use it against rangers, druids, thieves and ninjas to prevent them from using hide/camouflage within the cities/forests. --master--


'Firestorm' >area-spell< should be used as the opening spell, because it has a chance of blinding your opponent. Also useful for using when sleeping or when you expect dangers being near, such as the cities (just watch out where certain mobs stand) or forests. -Don't know if it makes any difference, if mastered-


'Fireball' >area-spell< has chances to make tremendous damage with the 'fire shield', but can do as little as a scratch. Use it only if you feel lucky.. -worth mastering-


'Flame Arrow' and 'Icicle' is the opposite elements and is the spells I suggest to use so you can hunt your opponent down once the running begins. Other spells may drain you too much so that you loose a battle you should have won. Use it with the appropriate shield. -master-


'Hurricane' >area-spell< Much has improved with this spell and since Avians new vulneribility is air, this is now very useful. It has a chance to work just as the ability monks have, the 'air thrash', which makes them unable to fly for an hour. Useful against other races as well, if you have a mob that may trip. -master if possible-


'Jet Steam' needs water in the surrounding and is to be used against duergars and dwarves. An advice is to make plenty of springs in the surrounding area if you think you can lure them to you. I wish you good luck, dwarves/duergars are tough for invokers.. -MASTER-


'Hellstream', the most powerful spell that invokers have. Ogres better roar and ignore you if they face you when they have no sanctuary. Can be used for its damage, but also its chance for destroying equipement for the opponent which holds afflictive saves. This way, when you're facing someone with high saves.. you have a chance to lower their chances of survival for the next time you run into eachother. !Be warned! It drains you for quite a while and I suggest using other spells if your situation isn't such as I nemptioned earlier. This spell is an excellent finisher when you hunt someone ill wounded. -MASTER-


'Ice Storm' >area-spell<, used with appropriate shield it can do excellent damage. Very useful when fighting several opponents at the same time. It is just as draining as the 'Hellstream'. This spell has a chance of destroying the weapons of the opponents. You can be sure that anyone playing a dark-knight and loosing their malformed weapon will curse a thousand times when it is shattered (or both, if lucky). I know one that surely did Can be used for to even the odds by destroying vulneribility weapons or powerful weapons when you cannot win without them being weakened.


'Call Lightning' >area-spell<, very useful when the opponent has high saves and high ac and it can be cast very often, unlike the 'hellstream'. Very useful. Get experience by experimenting during pk-battles and you'll see when to use it. It demands you to 'Control Weather' to the worse so that you have bad weather. Can only be cast out-doors.



Battle tactics:


As an invoker you have many choices for how to defeat the opponent. As I've explained the spells earlier, I believe you'll be able to plan strategies on your own, but I can go through a few ones. To begin with, You should always use a fully mana-charged and cursed two-handed staff (not much of a chance to loose it during battle, and can therefore focus more on the battle). The battles are different for each foe, but a good tactic one is the so-called 'hit-n'run'. It requires a fully mana-charged weapon and the spells used is 'Flame Arrow' or 'Icicle'. You walk in, Dispel if needed, cast the spell and then flee directly. Confused and in panic, the spam of "flee;flee;flee;flee" begins. You already fled, so he'll just stand there. You return and hit with another. This time you continue the battle as to chances are that the opponent will stay and think that you'll flee. You use something simular to this until you can finish with a 'Hellstream'. Against thieves, ninjas and rangers you would have chances of being defeated if you would use the earlier strategy. As these classes rely on having the first-strike, it is time to become defensive (but not too much). Find a good situation where you stand in a room with several exits. Raise a Firestorm there and wait. Make sure to have all protections up. As they need to hit you first, they'll walk in and is struck by the firestorm. Make sure to cast 'Faerie Fire' or 'Hellstream'. Depends on how quick you believe it can be finished. Most likely they'll enter one of the rooms at the exits and try to return once more (perhaps to walk by for an escape) and then you hit with a strong spell. Not many would have survived two 'Hellstreams' and if you would have cast 'Faerie Fire' he's now ill wounded. Unless it is a ninja, chase and seek to finish it quickly. Be extra careful when you chase the ninja, most likely you've been studied.. The third, which I myself don't like to use at all is to rely on 'Dispel Magic' and 'Hellstream' entirely. You basically dispel and try to throw in as much damage while the Sanctuary is down. If lucky, two or three hellstreams is all needed to make a kill unless the opponent has good saves.





I'm sure you wonder why an invoker should have so much things with them. Imagine becoming silenced. You would die without any chance to escape if you do not carry it with you. 3Backpacks (1 for pills, 1 for scrolls, 1 for potions) Always more gyvel potions, vials (just in case), recalls et.c. in the backpacks. 1 Recall potion 1 teleport pill 5-? gyvel potions. 2 flight scrolls 1 Protection from alignment scroll 1 boat





Great learning class that can make food, water, identify objects, locate objects, and use scrolls, wands and staves. They have excellent set of both offensive and defensive spells. You'll be kicking me around in no time, I am sure. Good luck if you decide to roll the invoker!

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