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Archfiend Morchial Uiheam


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I'm posting this for Morchial, this is not my character.


| Morchial || Archfiend of PANDEMONIUM |


| Str: 19(19) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 96(1315h) |

| Int: 21(21)^1 || Class: battlemage Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 21(21) || Race : Gargo(avian) Align: evil |

| Dex: 23(23)^1 || Hp : 1013/1013 Exp : 259230/273570 |

| Con: 19(17) || Mana : 934/1258 |

\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 414/414 +Hit: 8 +Dam: 14 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Malchaeius |

| Slash : -538 || Spell : -27 || Faith : Discord |

| Pierce: -498 || Afflictive : -29 || Weight: 299/350 |

| Blunt : -472 || Maledictive: -35 || Items : 29/41 |

| Magic : -495 || Mental : -45 || Prac : 2 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 10k CP: 11.6k |


/ Condition: You are covered with deep scars and lacerations. \

| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |


armor 100 cancellation 100 chill touch 100

colour spray 100 detect invis 100 detect magic 100

dispel magic 100 earthquake 100 faerie fire 100

haste 100 identify 100 infravision 100

invisibility 100 locate object 100 pass door 100

shield 100 shocking grasp 1 slow 100

stone skin 100 word of recall 100 dagger 100

mace 100 sword 100 whip 100

hand to hand 100 kick 1 parry 100

fast healing 100 haggle 100 meditation 100

scrolls 93 staves 100 wands 100

recall 100 blur 100 shrink 100

enlarge 100 thunderclap 100 meteor swarm 100

cabal 83 mirror image 100 trance 100

staff 100 flashfire 100 force field 105

terra shield 100 localize gravity 100 rust 100

air shield 100 blades 100 field dressing 100

sharpmetal 100 plumbum manus 100 sear 100

dancing blade 100 manalock 100 reflective shield 105

comprehend languages 100 cabal 100 cabal 86

cabal 99 sequencer 75 cabal 100

cabal 98 cabal 100 cabal 100

You have 2 practice sessions left.

A mention about Morchial:

A light burning bright and strong will die far sooner than the dim.

The reason I deleted: This is obviously not an ‘I deleted because I died’ post. I’m finally completing my didactic training in pharmacy school and am going on clinical rotations in less than a month. This springs a ton of stuff on me with double expenses (since I’ll have to move to Indianapolis, IN while still paying rent where I live now) for several months as well as increased time with schoolwork since most of my rotations end up lasting roughly 9-12 hours daily with required research in each of them. I honestly don’t know if I’ll have the money or the time to give Morchial what he needs to be a capable leader. My time has already been pathetic compared to what I wanted these last few months solely because of pharmacy workload. Likely, I’ll end up with a few projects here or there on FL again soon if I end up being able to pay for the internet. If not, I’ll be done with rotations in May of 2008.

Morchial was made to try and press Nexus further into the minds of everyone and make it seem like a constant state of chaos was a great idea. Overall, I had a ton of success. Morchial was meant to be a deceitful politician (shaking hands while stabbing the same person in the back). It's very difficult to actually change anything in the game, of course, so I had to portray that things were coming to people that were questioning my motives. I loved how much backing I had from everyone and will never forget it.

Further, I wanted to say that Nexus ARE NOT MEANT TO ONLY FIGHT KNIGHTS! I tried to tell every damn nexus that but they constantly 'get bored' (not singling anyone out because every single one of them did it, save maybe Thorghull and Requior). We aren't working to fight ONLY them, do a little history lesson to understand why we Nexus is around and what we want to do.

Further, if you were wondering why I had so many deaths, that was mainly due to my obsession with teleporting and trying to stick it out (teleporting for no reason, that is) and then having to regain my eq solo with the world anomaly things.

Continuing, there were several little quirks about Morchial:

Obsession with wands of plenty…

Initially it was only cuz it let me solo a ton of areas since it was 0 weight (bottles of milk weighed too much), but then it became an RP with me about only eating that to sustain my magical existence.

My right claw/hand….

This happened very recently, my claw broke apart (IMM interaction) showing onyx flesh underneath it with runes and etc. on it. I began to start using that as how I killed people that I challenged or contracted with emotes while they were stunned.

Scourge of Evermore…

This was done by Eshaine(?) because I constantly hung out in the faction of blood (for those who don’t know, evermore is the other name for blood). When it first happened I didn’t take to it well, but then people started fearing it thinking it meant more than what it actually did and I kind of dug it.

Oddly enough, my first interaction with an IMM was Eshaine because she pulled me up saying I was multiplaying because someone on my lan was playing an adventurer at the same time that I was writing my description (at lvl 1, 5 min into me making Morchial). Luckily she let me off which I asked, will this hinder my advancement in any cabal or restring? She said no, luckily .

And to my friends and enemies-----

Ancient characters dead (Except Messalantha, Suunmar, and IMMs)---

Ghadryn: Sorry for omitting you, I wrote this quickly. You were by far a huge influence on Morchial, the only watcher I ever connected with, I'll miss our conversations in the swamp in that room, though you left before me, I still will miss them. I'm sure you knew I was planning on using you as a honed missile to kill my enemies, but it never came to point, likely you were thinking the same. Evashen can probablly be mentioned in this same call out just minus the meetings. We had our times, I enjoyed every one of them, well rp'ed chara's, both of them, and I doubt much better can be made.

Sirican: You were the first to actually make me fear a Nexus, I figured I'd eventually come to blows with you but it ended up not happening, was definitely a huge influence on my character and likely damn near the first one.

S...something...(drow cleric nexus): You were the first Nexus to make me take a life I didn't want to take, and the last, actually. You taught me a few things about the cabal itself and that was damn helpful.

Thragor : You had some awesome way to talk and good role-play to follow, never followed your PK very heavily since I got inducted at the same time, but you seemed like you knew your stuff.

Vhorkhus [Kyzarius's chara(illithid necro nexus, also inducted at the same time as me)]: I figured I would have to coup you or at least have a challenge with you with the leadership of nexus, you seemed like you knew what was up and was prepared to do what it took, forget now why you deleted though. Of course, A necro -- bmg battle is never fun.

Askarran: Good lord you were awesome, you had such great role-play and were constantly hilarious. I loved having you at my side while dealing with the multitude of Knights. Further, you were a great friend when I needed you, I was very sad to had seen you go.

Messalantha: Initially we had our beefs, regarding a few things, but then it came to the point where we were the best of friends and I'm saddened I'm not lasting as long as you. Our talks were awesome and it made me feel weird talking to a supposed ‘bloodthirsty killer’ as a pal. You were my favorite fearsome friend.

Suunmar: We had our times together and finally made the little pact we had. Sad that you aren't around much anymore, you were one of the first characters I actually lost against in a fair battle.

Inmek: You couping mastermind! hehe.... nah, its all good, you know I still like you. Thank god I didn't get nailed by that assassinate or the movement of my character through Nexus might’ve been a ton different. Was a pleasure to have you as a cabalmate.

Olom: Syndicate shaman man, was tough to fight you before I got into Nexus then we became great friends, I had a damn close call with you once. You had me hugely spelled up and I hid from you and plague knocked me to stun but the challenge prevented my death. Yay ;) After such, it was always great to have ya deal with the people I didn’t feel like

Jistanius: you made a profound mark on me, your RP was awesome and, to this day, beyond that Battle bard (that crazy guy), you were my toughest opponent in and off the field, I'll remember you well.

Eshaine: You know why

Zizelvik: Possibly the hardest wm I've ever fought against, and definitely not something I'd take lightly. I had a taste of blms before with Taiem, but you showed me a bit that I hadn't seen with Taeim prior, definitelly helped me along the way.

Helmsley: I seemed to have become prominent near the end of your career, I hadn't seen you at all when I was trying to get into Nexus nor in the time from induction to elder, yet, you still had a hardcoreness to yourself that hasn't been portrayed in quite awhile. I remember on a few times thinking... "Crap crap crap, I'm dead dead dead....", then somehow I eluded the certain death to finally deal only one deathblow to Helmsley, still, even after that, he was a huge challenge. Powerful to the end.

Thorghull: MY TROLL! You die for me!!! You had such hairy times initially until you finally got your footholds into the game and made every single damn character tuck their nuts behind themselves in fear. You were one of my best reavers I've had as leader.

Requior: Not to be demunitive of Requior, but I would say EXACTLY the same thing to you as to Thorghull. You are a sick man with the ranger class and have seemed to make the wannabe reavers want to hide themselves rather than make them fight you. Further, my other reavers did so well it made me happy to see them succeed where I couldn't. You, my friend, my views of you have changed from thinking you’d be a part of nexus for only 2 weeks to perhaps my next predecessor.

Radreg: Good lord don't even get me started, the amount of effort I put into you is by far the most. I'm glad we finally got you into Nexus, you kicked some serious *** initially...though kind of dieing now just because you aren't on.

Trienklor: My first real battle with a knight, and still, outside the Nexus cabal. Fearsome ya were and a tough fight, enjoyed it until the end.

Dagizon: A great buddy in syndicate, you helped me a lot and vice versa, I fell on some dark times when you were around and was glad I had someone I could trust with me. Lord knows if you trust someone in your own halls of Syndi/Nexus, that might be your slit throat in a few minutes. Loved your RP and your hardassness, wish you hadn't left.

New characters

Issathys: Lead my troops in my absence, you got such a hard head on you that it makes me think you are the possibly next Archfiend, I love how well you fight and how dedicated you are.

Kyatha: Awesome. Your rp is beyond belief, and my duel with you to make sure you weren't a crappy player made me so happy. Play on brotha...

Corinkorth: Wow, very impressive ogre ranger tribby, was planning on using you to my benefit after I helped you but it never came to fruition, good luck on all you've done.

Rinthilaz: Ouch, all I gotta say, the only chara I could never figure out how to beat, I applaud your abilities but still think that one thing is a bit over the top, I had no chance ever, though your power stemmed (maybe?) from an air lance, it still did pathetic dmg, and rarely hit me.., oh well, I'm sure if it is, others will complain and something will happen, but you got me fair and square... several times...well done

Malch: :( [sorry for the randomness of this section, there’s a ton I want to mention to Malch] I'm sorry for leaving. I hope I exhibited the qualities of a pandemonium leader that you wanted. I could never tell, you were as enigmatic as what I tried to make Morchial multiplied by a hundred. As a back thought, I think it’s worth mentioning this: I didn't speak to Malch at all until I was finally trusted and looking good to be promoted to elder. Which makes him a lot more fearsome, I was always scared of talking to Malch because I couldn’t rely on my lies role-play to get me out of a jam. You were by far the sole reason I continued my character through thick and thin (you know the thin). And made me want to win (in Morchial's view) a lot more than what I had ever before. Malch, you are an awesome IMM leader and (seeing the Balwen plot) and awesome IMM overall. Don't ever change. I was so afraid in my first failure that I'd be demoted and slain with no wares left, after you didn't I almost assumed you had a soft spot for me ;). Luckily, in my mind, I never failed again afterwards. My descriptions that you wished every (insert time you mentioned) were not as adequate as normal. That came from pharmacy school slapping me in the face and not letting me deal with much. I'm glad you did what you did with Requior so it could ease my time a bit since it was so constrained. I also, in my paranoid mind (see coup ;) was worried you were trying to get him to coup me which I'd have to prep for, hah.

Malch, I'm going to miss you the most. My interaction with you was so subtle initially and then it became as though I could be your direct under serve. It saddens me I have to delete him and not have the longevity of Suunmar or Messalantha. I do hope I pleased you in my time though.

There is a ton more people I’ve interacted with that are deserving of a shout out from me, I will likely be editing this post with the additions bolded in the ones I think of. Thank you all for the time and appreciation you’ve given me.


The Once Changed one,

Ex-Archfiend Morchial Uiheam, the Grand Gargoyle of the Northern Point

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Morchial was Sarodin? Wow... He and I had a many more interactions than he thought then. Lol.

Only 5 chars on this mud and he did that well? Did he play AR? Who was it? I must know.

(still stealing my friend's forum name) Yeah, I was Sarodin, I played AR too and was leader of Mystic as a gnome illusionist (I was the one that got illusionists change to stop allowing charm to work like that...), and a ...man...been so long I can barely even remember the name of the nexus place in AR.....anywho, was one there too... but ya...

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Great character. I immensely enjoyed our interactions. As a matter of fact, Malchaeius happened to like Morchial a lot, and thought that he led Nexus the way that it should be led. I had so many eyes watching you that there was very little that you did that I did not know about. Still, Malchaeius would never hesitate to lay down the hammer if he thought that it would strengthen one of his servants, and so Morchial felt his ire when it was necessary.

I wish you much luck in your school. Hopefully you will return to us once you have settled things in your life.

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Middling character, with below-average PK skill, pulled through by just another power combo.


Just kidding.

Great character. Brilliant roleplaying, and I'll never forget the time I couldn't get our standard from three Knights, then you logged in and within the space of about five minutes, all three Knights were dead. :D

Good luck to you in the real world.


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Middling character, with below-average PK skill, pulled through by just another power combo.


Just kidding.

Great character. Brilliant roleplaying, and I'll never forget the time I couldn't get our standard from three Knights, then you logged in and within the space of about five minutes, all three Knights were dead. :D

Good luck to you in the real world.


Thanks for your remembrance... I figured when I deleted my feats will be faded save the best, though you remember that time....so fun :) PS Dey, I was about to kill you before you deleted, you were too cocky for an Archfiend taste... :)

(I still love ya, just, rp wise)

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What can I say, you're the Archfiend. Forsaken Lands won't be the same without the "word-inventing" Gargoyle. Your reign of terror, chaos and intricate world domination plots expanded Thorghull's basic RP. It was a blast playing alongside of the Legend that IS Morchial!

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