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Getting a qclass/qrace in european timezone


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Im writing cause I wonder if there is any imms in the european timezone? Ive always had troubles getting descs looked at and qclass/qraces cause 90% of the time I play there is less than 10 people on. I rarely see any imms - Eshaine a bit and Raargant a bit but there are days between.

Now on my current project I have been sitting at rank 30 for almost three weeks now. Like I mentioned in my earlier post Im sure no one benefits from me sitting at that rank - and I must admit it starts to get reeeeally borring. I have rp'ed a bit but its nothing special as its a bit hard to try and rp for yourself - which I have to do most of the time cause people are not present.

This is by no means a critique of the work but more like an attempt to get a few hints on how I am supposed to act in a situation like this, ive played 50 hours on my char since I sent the appl but got no answer yet - most likely cause there are noone around when Im on.

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