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Comment on Nobility and Roleplay in General


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We have received a few nobility applications recently, all of which have been denied.

The reasoning for this is straightforward: we can't force mortals to recognize someone to be of noble blood. In general, an application by itself does not lead to a reward. This applies to everyone. Only through hard work and perseverance can your character acquire power and authority. When other mortals begin to accord you respect, then we will consider granting you a title or some other indication of your status. There are, of course, many ways to go about doing this, some harder than others.

To put it simply: "True power cannot be given, it can only be taken."

In regards to Tribunal, keep in mind that no organization willingly shares their power unless they get something in return. You want to have influence in Miruvhor? Then you better be ready to follow Tribunal's laws to the letter, play its political games, and offer your first-born child. Even then, you might only be given a tiny, squeaky voice in the affairs of that city.

I assure you, however, that the final rewards will be worth it.

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When other mortals begin to accord you respect' date=' then we will consider granting you a title or some other indication of your status.[/quote']

While I agree with everything said. The only problem is the mindset of the general Pbase.

If they don't see the flag, its not true. It's a little OOC in a sense but it is how everyone sees things. While still very possible, that is why many people would be likely to try and take the application route.

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