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R.I.P. Livana Arianwen


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Yep, she was me. I'm sure the former Herald-ness and the utter lack of pk ability gave it away already. There's no score sheet or mastery list, since those aspects of the game haven't ever really been a priority for me. However, I'll include some tidbits of her journal and other miscellany in this thread to get a glimpse of her inner workings.

Thank you and a million apologies to Anithraril who not only gave me the ultimate opportunity to dive head-first into the pk world, but by also giving me the stimulus to rejuvenate my rp in our last encounter. Too bad I deleted about an hour afterwards. :rolleyes:

Thank you to my numerous opponents that either provided some mercy (I -did- notice) or advice.

I deleted because of countless small frustrations compounding into a general sense of displeasure. I -loved- the rp and concept behind this character, and you'll probably see aspects of it divided up and cannibalized into some of my future characters since I didn't feel much of it was fully fleshed out to its potential. Perhaps that's why it was harder for me to cope with my failures on a character I cared so much for. I really should have rolled a generic character to learn pk - one I didn't put quite so much heart into. After a failed rp plot, thousands of frustrating mana charge deaths (Yes, I probably know all the tips you'll provide me on that. I'm just clumsy.), and my slow progress in pk, I didn't feel it was fair to this character I loved so much and this cabal that I greatly respected for me to continue on this degenerating path. I ate a lot of deaths in the progress. No, I didn't condie. However, as much as I learned in the first several deaths - on the last several, I felt I was 'throwing away' those lives. I didn't really learn anything from them, since most of them were due to mistakes I already knew about. Don't worry! I'm not completely discouraged from learning pk. In fact, I already rolled another character to keep trying! Just one that doesn't involve mana charge.

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This was my restring application:


The Lunar-Elves

In myth and folklore almost doomed to be forgotten, like much else, there is the tale of the Lunar Elves, otherwise known as the Lunari.

In a time many modern elves may call primitive, their society paid tribute to the goddess of the moon, consort of the mighty Yaegar. But just as Aabahran is governed by a triad of nocturnal celestial bodies, the nature of the goddess and her dominion is also multi-faceted, presiding over healing & love, death & loss, and magic & illusion. To her, mid-wives prayed for healing their patients; philosophers prayed for mystic knowledge; mourners prayed for peaceful passage of the recently departed; maidens prayed for their long-awaited loves; and most importantly, priestesses prayed for a glimpse of prophecy and destiny.

In the heavenly realm of the gods, a powerful demonic entity shrouded in vellum crossed into the province of Yaegar and his mistress when the barriers of reality were at its thinnest. (As it is prone to do, every tenth millennium.) Upon his arrival, he coveted and pursued the moon goddess until she concealed herself in the only location the Chaos Demon’s eyes could not penetrate: the womb of a mortal, elven woman. Upon birth, the child did not know her divine self, confused in her corporeal mantle of flesh. In time, the Demon was to know defeat and Yaegar searched endlessly for his lost beloved. However, the stars, the eternal observers, spoke to him revealing the fate of his goddess. Invisible, he descended into the mortal world and hid the Mirror of Illusion in a lake that was frequented by the elven vessel of the goddess. Upon looking on her reflection in the water, her sight pierced the veil of flesh to her true divine self. Thus, Yaegar was reunited with his celestial consort. Yet for times to come, a mortal elf touched with the features of the original lunar elf will be born randomly with generations far between each appearance.

Many variations exist of this myth and many more skeptics of it exist with the passing of time. Most of these disbelievers attribute the birth of a child of fair skin and platinum hair to the same phenomenon that presides over the birth of twins, albeit much rarer. These cynics see nothing exceptional in these elves save that they have a more fragile constitution and a natural propensity towards magic. However, the oldest of the elves believe that the appearance of a Lunar elf holds great significance. It is those who holds faith in this ancient tale that say mighty Greginsham fell to the orcs upon the death of a Lunari, and since then no other has been born until now. It is impossible to discern if the lives of the Lunari are shaped by actual destiny or by the power of belief and maybe even delusion.

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This was a journal entry written along with the story in the RP Logs section entitled "Look! A story in the RP Logs section!". It was to mark a new era in her life after I returned from a long break from the MUD.


The Journal of Livana Arianwen - 1st Entry

Sunday, the 50th of Nature – 537 PC

The white light of Lysenties shines through the collapsed roof of this dilapidated dwelling and gently wakens me as if to say that she has not forgotten me even in this bleak Isle of Exile. Glowing fiercely in the night sky, it is difficult to believe that it has already been ten days since the guards discovered me washed up on the shore. It is even harder to grasp that I have been missing from mortal lands for nearly 80 years if the current date I’m told is true. However, time becomes arbitrary as an outcast. I can hardly account for that time (nearly a full human’s lifetime), though I faintly recall an existence amidst shadowy semi-truths and half-reflections. In desperately running from fate, did I truly reach the Limbo of Death?

It hardly matters now. That night on the shore was as much my rebirth as my natural birth. The rhythm of the ocean waves is the same as a mother’s heartbeat and it is the pulse of the moons. I was immobile with cold gazing into the dark eye of Dyphrities in my first memories of my new life. Under her watchful stare, I understood that she had sought me throughout my former life in the visions I’ve shared with my first love, Slasian. It was not the empty abyss we were so fearful of in our nightmares, but the Dark Face of the Lunar Mistress. In my doubt and uncertainty, I had lost my Sight in neglecting her. However, she did not revive my spirit merely in forgiveness. My visions return to me slowly as I awaken from death, just as the sounds of the day gradually reach one who awakens from a night’s slumber. Even so, I sense an ancient presence stirring, just beyond my awareness yet ominous, nonetheless. My former life as a Herald was one of observation rather than action. Now that the Lunar Triad has breathed life into me, I will fulfill a role I ignorantly escaped from before.

With my Sight restored, I must learn again to restrain the flow of dreams and thoughts that flood my mind. Just as I had as a scholar, I will wield a quill to forge a trail to navigate through my visions so that I will not lose myself in the wilderness of insanity. Though this time, my scrolls will not be published for the public but only for my own eyes.

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Hmm...... Looking at the sheer amount of stuff I have from her, I'll ask for the imms to post the rest in the RP log forum. The other journal entries mostly correspond with logs themselves, so it would be more appropriate. If there are certain journal entries missing ....... well, everyone has their own secrets to keep and you may be surprised where these secrets may turn up. *cue dramatic music*

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