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A who list


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[ Drow ] Rakzalor the Will of Gods

[ Duerg ] Mryot the Believer

[ Drow ] [sAVANT] (Hourglass [T]) Ivyziou Vhyialsh the Scourge of the Battlefield

[ Elf ] Ravalorn Sylthansis the Leader of the Crusades

[ Drow ] (Hourglass [M]) Jraehr Vell the Creator of the Arcane

[ Human ] Krain Riplen the Order of the Black Robe

[ Elf ] Aedune Sylvenstor the Lord of the Templars

[ Avian ] Rylo the Harai Goshi

[ Drow ] Cahbur the Order of the White Robe

[ Fire ] Felser the Knight of Fury

[ Ogre ] Cyeela the Dragon Slayer

[ Duerg ] Radreg Egor the Holy Shaman

[ Duerg ] Groldach the Great Patriarch

[ Avian ] Hyrix the Wizard

[50 Duerg Cle] (Hourglass [M]) Comaton the Will of Gods

[ Feral ] Naeromi the Adept of Faith

[ Avian ] Telor the Master of Kamae

[ Fire ] Borgash Volco the Cardinal of the Air

[ Drow ] (Hourglass [V]) Zrothum Zothorum the Scourge of the Battlefield

[ Human ] (Hourglass [V]) Crinx Ky'nex the Angel of Arcana

[ H-Elf ] Vazren Keiyus the Master of Dragons

[ Dwarf ] Xanlt Sloet the Baroness of Ice

[ Half ] Daltasvis the Ranger Knight

[ Elf ] Lyria Crystabell the Healer of Disease

Was bored and found it...some familiar names on there.

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Comaton was in Nexus before Sirican.

By the time Sirican made Nexus, Comaton was gone.

Helmsley was made and joied Knight about halfway into Sirican's reign.

What does all this mean? Helmsley and Comaton may have fought. But Comaton was not in Nexus nor was he near his prime, or even active for that matter.

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<76hp 192m 99mv 2982> who

[ Elf ] Tasonir the Knight Templar

[ Drow ] Jindraal the Expositor

[ Avian ] Kendrick Dakon the Robber

[ Avian ] Daimos Reidin the Master of Atemi Waza

[ Illit ] Memefraxis Namara the Master Golem Maker

[ Drow ] Tlaan the Walking Armory

[ Drow ] [sAVANT] Xara the Cardinal of Storms

[ 5 H-Elf War] Ariago Pontalis the Soldier

[ Half ] Clariza the Baroness of Hurricanes

[ Elf ] Aliroce the Green Woman

[ Human ] [sAVANT] Tyorik Iku'olri the Scourge of the Battlefield

[ Undea ] Endreki the Master of Trees

[ Drow ] Padisar Masmyre the 2nd Brown

[ Drow ] Silphie the Communer of Damnation

[ Beast ] Kaerik the Warder General

[ Slith ] Chazbel Karif the Dragon Slayer

[ Human ] [HERALD] Ashalind Madderson the Master of Song

[ Beast ] [WARMASTER] Lezxses Pulderith the Warder of the Glade

[ Avian ] (WANTED) Yumono Aldorios the Master of Touch

[ Drow ] Karazen Xixaen the Cavalier of Legion

[ Elf ] Azaari the Avatar of a Deity

[ Human ] Ventik the Captain of Legion

[ Half ] (OUTCAST) Xarilia the Crime Mistress

[ Duerg ] Velir Tisin the Recruit

[ Fire ] Zuvxl the Harbinger of Armageddon

[ Elf ] Ilisia Saiyree the Mistress of Mithril

[ Dwarf ] Inrak the Fiddler

[ Human ] [JUSTICE] Sesash the Defender of the Monastery

[ Human ] Matsuko the Master of Snow

[ Human ] Patroclus the Baron of Meteors

[ Faeri ] Nanaki the Apprentice of Magic

[ Dwarf ] [sAVANT] Goliad the Cardinal of Storms

[ Beast ] Mai Rascaline the Ranger Princess

[ H-Elf ] Spectialias Derner the Disciple

[ Beast ] Khas the Guardian of the Sacred Circle

[ Half ] Astandor the Cut-Purse

[ Fire ] Torrid Hekla the Dreaded

Players matched: 37

There are 43 characters on, the most on since startup was 67.

The title of Master Questor of Aabahran is currently held by Ilisia.

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[ Dwarf ] [HERALD] Jisil Gwycae the Will of Gods

[ H-Elf ] (Hope [V]) Dareth Daseo the Holy Knight

[ Dwarf ] Ahaocha the Living Touch

[ Drow ] Elryndar VinDaemyn the Battle Surveyor

[ H-Elf ] Korinta Higmonden the Instrumentalist

[ Ogre ] Umrano the Warder Captain

[ H-Elf ] [HERALD] Mathicus Flon the Master Bard

[ Ogre ] Broax the Vengeance of the Forest

[ Half ] Tyui Tilt the Spy

[50 Elf Inv] (Hope [T]) Sachi Oda the Angel of Arcana

[ Elf ] [HERALD] Lyria Knelling the Holy Matriarch of Healing

[ Drow ] (OUTCAST) Croyvern Daeyi the Merciful, Shunned of the Underdark

[ Drow ] Esiret Bot the Crimson Knight

[ Elf ] [KNIGHT] (Hope [L]) Sir Nasetuit Kamusa the Illuminated Shadow, Tempered Blade of the Crown

[ Slith ] Saeden the Demon Slayer

[ Dwarf ] Korock Stonecrusher the Master of War

[ Human ] Raniku Gisaniv the Holy Knight

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You guys are making me want to boot up the old computer and throw out some who lists. I know I should have one or two that have Smash, Orealt, Miscreant and Aberrant on them. I wonder if I have any of my old Dreadlords/TheranWind lists....we'll see!

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  • 3 months later...
<76hp 192m 99mv 2982> who

[ Elf ] Tasonir the Knight Templar

[ Drow ] Jindraal the Expositor

[ Avian ] Kendrick Dakon the Robber

[ Avian ] Daimos Reidin the Master of Atemi Waza

[ Illit ] Memefraxis Namara the Master Golem Maker

[ Drow ] Tlaan the Walking Armory

[ Drow ] [sAVANT] Xara the Cardinal of Storms

[ 5 H-Elf War] Ariago Pontalis the Soldier

[ Half ] Clariza the Baroness of Hurricanes

[ Elf ] Aliroce the Green Woman

[ Human ] [sAVANT] Tyorik Iku'olri the Scourge of the Battlefield

[ Undea ] Endreki the Master of Trees

[ Drow ] Padisar Masmyre the 2nd Brown

[ Drow ] Silphie the Communer of Damnation

[ Beast ] Kaerik the Warder General

[ Slith ] Chazbel Karif the Dragon Slayer

[ Human ] [HERALD] Ashalind Madderson the Master of Song

[ Beast ] [WARMASTER] Lezxses Pulderith the Warder of the Glade

[ Avian ] (WANTED) Yumono Aldorios the Master of Touch

[ Drow ] Karazen Xixaen the Cavalier of Legion

[ Elf ] Azaari the Avatar of a Deity

[ Human ] Ventik the Captain of Legion

[ Half ] (OUTCAST) Xarilia the Crime Mistress

[ Duerg ] Velir Tisin the Recruit

[ Fire ] Zuvxl the Harbinger of Armageddon

[ Elf ] Ilisia Saiyree the Mistress of Mithril

[ Dwarf ] Inrak the Fiddler

[ Human ] [JUSTICE] Sesash the Defender of the Monastery

[ Human ] Matsuko the Master of Snow

[ Human ] Patroclus the Baron of Meteors

[ Faeri ] Nanaki the Apprentice of Magic

[ Dwarf ] [sAVANT] Goliad the Cardinal of Storms

[ Beast ] Mai Rascaline the Ranger Princess

[ H-Elf ] Spectialias Derner the Disciple

[ Beast ] Khas the Guardian of the Sacred Circle

[ Half ] Astandor the Cut-Purse

[ Fire ] Torrid Hekla the Dreaded

Players matched: 37

There are 43 characters on, the most on since startup was 67.

The title of Master Questor of Aabahran is currently held by Ilisia.

Might have to go grab my pimpin' cane...

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