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Remember when valmiran lost its armies and palace for like...no reason at all...was there a reason I missed? I was a royal then...and its like we woke up one morning and we had no armies, and no cabal...

Which really sucked, cuz we controlled more of aabahran than any other cabal...

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I think Isabeau told me it was because the Healers in the Cabal at the time couldn't PK for **** and Virigoth didn't think Royals should get any Armies or have a Standard because when Seiluna and the rest tried to get the standard back, they kept dying to the people (which once I finally made a Healer I couldn't understand HOW that could happen unless a ninja assassination), and eventually the Royal Cabals were just removed to be replaced with a gimpier version of a Cabal that basically became pointless. Then I got the ball to roll on wanting them to be an actual Cabal, and WC and Archangel got together and started coming up with some other ideas. Believe it's kind of a mix between all three ideas and a few more from everyone else that Tribunal has now.

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