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An old story...


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I was just sitting around thinking and reminiscing in Bregalad's living room and I thought of an old story.

Back in 1.0 when I was more of a newb then I am now (yeah, that's right, I haven't forgot someone called me a newb) I had my first ogre berserker. I didn't have enough sense to carry detect invis potions and I was right about level 26. A level 30 female human dark-knight attacked me in Old Thalos. She would not kill me, but kept attacking me and trying to get me to chase her. I chased her around Old Thalos. Could not kill her. But she could have killed me had she wanted to.

After about half an hour of this, she left me alone. THAT was the day I realized I needed detect invis potions and got a taste of what it meant to chase and how to chase.

Just an interesting old story I thought I'd share. I love that dark-knight. :D

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I think the best lesson I was ever taught was by Kentry the first time he killed Asniar... he was a Warmaster at 50, I was uncaballed at 48, I was sitting in Central Square, he walked in, looked at me, did nothing, so I assumed he had no interest in attacking. Instead, two ticks later, the instant my prot shield fell he bodyslammed me and took me down.

The lesson I learned? Just because someone doesn't attack you on sight doesn't mean they don't want you dead.

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Guest emp_newb

I still remember the days of luring people to one room lockable doors and lag locking, god what I would give to NEVER be a newbie again :)

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I remember when a Drow DK [MIRUVHOR] asked my healer to come to Mahn-tor to speak with him. We went to the Warden's room, and he closed the door. We talked for a while, and then he cursed me right off the bat. Needless to say, being a complete and utter newb at the time, I died rather quickly. Ah, 1.0 - the days when people RPed with you, and THEN handed you your ***.;)

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Evangelion. I am getting conflicting messages from your post. It seems that one could also interpret your post that only a newb would go behind a locked door and converse with an enemy before a fight. I mean, I suppose my question is - would you, having the knowledge of playerkilling that you have now, go behind a locked door with a Dark Knight to converse in the first place? Or would you keep your distance instinctively?

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I would go in and converse, but I also would have better saves, all my spells up, and be ready to haul *** if things went sour.

But yes, I would sacrifice the PK safety for the RP. Kind of like the time Vanicus and I were conversing and fighting simultaneously, ending with me getting assassinated. It was totally worth it.

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