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I for one hate it when people scream I am telling an Imm. Honestly, I think it sucks, Bad sportsmanship and all that. First if you think they where wrong tell them imms, don’t bother saying I am telling one, let them poop their pants when they are summoned. Second If you say that and then get "Speak to someone who cares" What does that make you look like. I want to interject with a real example of mine. Playing a blade master, pre-fifty, I get attacked by a ranger unprepared. I get away and heal and go back for the kill. The ranger then screams about Multi because he has picked up a battle with a paladin and a berserker. I had no interest in his other battles, but I was interested in taking him down a peg so...he died. I guess the moral of he story is don’t make enemies until every enemy you have is dead.

Also how do you RP a hero paladin pre 40? Cant even rescue at all, come on, saving lives is what they do.

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This is crap you are giving them, Fiere. I am the person you speak of and it happened like this. I walked in the CS of Val Miran and had a look at you and the other guy. You just looked at me and did nothing. I walked around in the city for a while and again - you did nothing. I attacked the other guy and you attacked me right after I had furied and was lagged for two rounds with no sanctuary on. Stop with the bull **** and tell the true. It was a cheap kill, really cheap.

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Pfft, why would I attack you when a justice was around? Anyways, I'd rather not have this turn into a flame session. It's not like I revealed who you were, is it? Even then, I still don't see anything wrong with me taking an opportunity. It wasn't even for that guy, it was strictly a revenge scenario.

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