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It had to happen sooner or later.


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Well, the time has come for me to repay Uncle Sam for the years that I drew taxpayers money and sat around on my duff doing little to nothing. Been busier than a one armed paperhanger the last couple of months training up and got my mobilization order yesterday. I leave for Mississippi in roughly 6 weeks and then on to the ultimate destination of the sandbox for a year if all goes according to plan.

I will be doing alot of traveling to see some old friends from my active duty days, high school friends that have moved on and a few sights that I want to see in the good ol' US and I figure I better get it done while I have the chance. I'll be less than scarce until the latter part of '08 when we get back and I wanted to thank each and every one of the pbase, mortal and immortal, for giving me the opportunity to enjoy my off time with a second family. To each his own but you all hold a special place for me, nothing else I do allows me to completely escape the day in/day out routine of everyday life and allow my imagination to reach it's fullest potential. It has been, on a whole, a great 7-8 years, ups and downs and all arounds.

I honestly and sincerely hope to return in 08 and get back into the swing of things and enjoy myself and also bring a snicker and a laugh to everyone who gets a PK on me. I am uncertain how much internet access time I'll have while over there so I won't make any promises as to forum posting or even lurking b/c from what little I have heard our duty schedule will be roughly 5-6 days on,1 off and I know housekeeping/sleepytime will be taking up most all of my off time if that is the case.

Keep me and all the rest of my brothers and sisters that are going, are there, will be going, in your prayers/thoughts and to quote the GUV, "I'll be back."


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"Oh, and one more thing, I do not want to hear...that we are holding our position..no no...let the hun do that, we are going to grab them by their rear and kick them out. Shoot 'them' in the belly. Make 'them' run."

"I know a lot of you are wondering if you will shoot those dam bastards. But, when you stick your hand...in some slimy green goo...that was once your best friend's face...you'll know what to do."

Not exactly word by word quotes, but those are my favorites.

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  • 4 weeks later...
sandbox for a year if all goes according to plan.

Isn't it like 15 months now? I heard that was the new rotation length, even for guys that are over here already, but I could be wrong. Since its something that doesn't affect my unit (thank god), its not something I've followed too closely.

Good luck over here dude. Its a whole lot of boring, scary, hot, and stinky rolled up into one fabulous county.


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Just popping my head in, I may be back soon. I'm in Basrah right now, gonna be headed to Baghdad in a few days. Internet has been good here, so I've been playing WoW when I've had the free time(haven't had much). However, back north I'll probably have alot more free time, but I think I won't have crap for bandwidth, so it'll be a much more ideal FL environment. So we'll see just how back I am in a few days.

EDIT: At the moment I am rolling up a char to toy around with for now.

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Just wanted to say good luck to all of you that are going over there, and thank you. Much love and respect, I'm an army brat myself, my dad was with the 101st in campbell for a while. Would be with you guys but I couldn't get a waiver at MEPS. Take care,


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