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Mister E

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Well Belizar is deleted for anyone who cares. I had some good rp interactions with some of you. I was gonna try and get a demon blm, seemed like an interesting combo but I figured it probably wasnt going to happen, I asked once about a qclass with a non norm race and I got a very point blank NO. I had a pretty good rp background and was gonna tell my story through my rp within the academy and then hopefully if all went well eventually get "kicked out" and try for nexus but that probably would have taken a LONG time. I ran into a few other rank sitters along the way, basically getting harassed constantly, people looting my opal rings, lol, it just seems so petty. People dont seem to care about rp in the least. Anytime I try and get a real deep rp going I end up with a bunch of mindless pkers, so I guess thats what Ill stick too. Good luck to you (you know who) but based on our interaction id be surprised if you get what you want. I guess the mud needs another silent killer, hmmm what to play next.

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Guest emp_newb

Well I have tried for qraces before, and chayesh himself said that rp is the reason you get your qraces, pk is secondary and usually not a requirement.

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Unfortunately, what people say isn't always the whole truth.

It may very well be true that pk is secondary when considering for qclasses.

However, I'd rather be the only competitor than to have great qualifications, if you understand my meaning. (people don't need to be going for the same thing to be a competitor either)

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