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40-50 Ranking. Goods Vs Bad.


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All right the disapearence of Shandor is afecting me.

Shandor was the Prime are for Ranking as a Good aligned character.

The 40-50 are the final grinder and Shandor and Solace were the ideal places to XP in. Now a new change has afected the final grinder for goods.

Solace was changed to the new Cristalmir Caves but it still has remained a great ranking area. There are no aggresive mobs, they are many and the area is easy to navegate and exits so it can repop with new mobs.

The only down side is that you cannot dirt kick in water.

Shandor was changed to the Volcano, and its quality has decreased.

Now the zone is a Maze, that makes no directional realistic sense with you going west and comming from east. With many teleport exits to other rooms, where sometimes you can land in an agressive creature room.

And there are many Aggresive creatures.

The path that lead to the ranking are is long and extremely twisted, and leaving the zone is also very dificult. The exit of the area for repop purposes is almost not worth it.

This creates a problem as almost no one is willing to hunt in the zone, making a bloking point for high ranking goods.

Even the labirint is not as hard to navigate as this zone.

Remenber not all of us have Zmaper to keep track of the location on the zone and with a map on paper this zone is a nightmare to move in.

So what is the opinion of the Pbase on the matter.

Alternative goodie Ranking zones:

Dungeons. (neutrals)

Darkshire woods. (5 evils)

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having designed the volcano (and caverns!), I'd like to say there IS a very quick way OUT, unlike s'handor.

only one part of the area has a switched exit and they are not random

the area IS dangerous (just like s'handor) but with that danger comes some pk defense--very hard for people to follow or sneak up on you in the volcano..a long approach, nosummon rooms, and a back exit make it a very safe area

I used a mapper to make it and, unless the imms have switched the rooms around, a mapper should be able to handle it once you put in the couple switched exits

the mobs are numerous and generally -easier- than the s'handor ones (unless imms changed them, of course)..especially once you find their vulns (making it much faster than caverns with an experienced leader)

of course yes, the area is a highly difficult one, and unfortunately for some of you I firmly believe in raising the bar :P

I'm also glad the imms provided an alternate area :D

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Have to say I agree with Cel... the entire time I was exploring the Volcano with Vhalen, I was thinking "Dude, this place'll be awesome ranking for goods." Yeah, it takes a bit more thought than going from watcher to watcher or warrior to warrior, but as she said, it's also WAY safer.

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So there is the Volcano...and another area? I must be missing something.

having designed the volcano (and caverns!), I'd like to say there IS a very quick way OUT, unlike s'handor.

only one part of the area has a switched exit and they are not random

the area IS dangerous (just like s'handor) but with that danger comes some pk defense--very hard for people to follow or sneak up on you in the volcano..a long approach, nosummon rooms, and a back exit make it a very safe area

I used a mapper to make it and, unless the imms have switched the rooms around, a mapper should be able to handle it once you put in the couple switched exits

the mobs are numerous and generally -easier- than the s'handor ones (unless imms changed them, of course)..especially once you find their vulns (making it much faster than caverns with an experienced leader)

of course yes, the area is a highly difficult one, and unfortunately for some of you I firmly believe in raising the bar :P

I'm also glad the imms provided an alternate area :D

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The Vulcano is a very nice area, but not for ranking.

I realy doubt you will find people to acounpain you to the Volcano.

If things go wrong, they can go wrong very seriously.

In shandor the Curse was easy to detour. In there fleeing can become a pinball game, like the Kadar faeries.

And wonce one of yours is alone they are going to panic.

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