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Mister E

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Meh, really didnt want to become an outlaw so early in my life, but we despairlings decided to have some fun and fight the tribs. Of course we got gang banged silly, seems their usual tactics are in order. Not gonna bother playing an outlaw considering how the tribs these days do their business.


| Mhelkin || the Grand Master of Seasons |


| Str: 20(20) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 27(75h) |

| Int: 17(17) || Class: monk Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 18(18) || Race : human Align: evil |

| Dex: 21(21) || Hp : 256/815 Exp : 31233/501567 |

| Con: 19(19) || Mana : 0/637 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 229/413 +Hit: 14 +Dam: 1 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Malchaeius |

| Slash : 55 || Spell : 0 || Faith : Discord |

| Pierce: 55 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 1/375 |

| Blunt : 55 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 1/38 |

| Magic : 55 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 17 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 0 |


/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \

| Anatomy :Mob Human Elf Dwarf DemiHum Giant Beast Flying Uniqu |

| 64 76 99 71 100 100 100 100 83 |


You have mastered the following:

1. dirt kicking

2. disarm

3. dodge

4. hand to hand

5. kick

6. meditation

7. recall

8. blind fighting

9. shield disarm

10. anatomy

11. first parry

12. second parry

13. martial arts b

14. martial arts a

15. kickboxing b

16. kickboxing a

17. monkey stance

18. tiger stance

19. crane stance

20. drunken stance

21. horse stance

22. dragon stance

23. air thrash

Props to the other despair, hope you guys deal with it better than me. I personally just hate that kinda crap with a passion.

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To the Tribbie's defense......they've been getting ganged left and right, so they do it back. Whether or not you ganged them, you are an Outlaw, and they have been getting ganged by Outlaws....so being an Outlaw = not a good idea if you're on alone

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When I fought Mhelkin (You initiated first) it seemed like you knew what you were doing. Monks can be hard to play at first. They aren't meant to fight more than one character at a time. So fighting the Tribunal can be a pisser. Way too early to delete. If you stuck around, who knows, maybe Tribunal would have fallen apart. Maybe...a hundred different maybes. The point is, stop deleting so damn early because you "feel" like you weren't going to get a good playing experience out of it.

Re Chromatic: Eshaine isn't leader, Roykagh is.

Ganging is unimpressive. Too EVERY MODERATOR and most of the pbase.

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well that's because she's a woman and can't stand the sight of blood....or something.

Ganging is such a loose term. If three evils are on, and a goodie is on and the goodie gets attacked by Evil-A while Evil-B walks in and bashes....that's not always real "ganging"

If Evil-B walked in and looked at the goodie, laughed, and then bashed...that's called Evil-B is trash.

If Evil-A told Evil-B "Hey d00d he keeps fleeing, come help!!" and Evil-B came in and bashed you.....that is ganging.

If you flee from Evil-A and get attacked by Evil-B while you are running t hrough Rheydin....that's not necessarily trash or ganging. That's bad luck.

Everytime you die because you were attacked by two or more people...it's not always a gang. Most of the time is a trashy opportunistic bastard...but it's not ALWAYS a gang.

Definition of a gang = Balinor's 30 human DKs.

Definition of an opportunist bastard = Tassinvegeta's characters

Definition of a n00b who didnt know you were fighting already = Deykari

Hope this clears it up :)

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Definition of a gang = Balinor's 30 human DKs.

Definition of an opportunist bastard = Tassinvegeta's characters

Definition of a n00b who didnt know you were fighting already = Deykari

Hope this clears it up :)

Definition of a guy who doesn't have chance to get ganged as his characters are sold on eBay faster than you can say 'manboobs' = Zrothum.

Hope this clears it up. :)


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Guest emp_newb

Agreed, ganging is a very aggravating esperience, but it also teaches you to be better, at both running, stocking your curative items, as well as learning what skills are most effective. Sorry to see you go so soon. It is a real shame, I have not seen a pinned monk runnin around in quite some time.

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Well monks are pretty cool, I had a bit of fun in my brief life. Not really my style of class at the end of the day, but the way outlaw flags are being handed out like candy is pretty odd. It took me a while ot get outlawed on Sciferscons and he was a thief and a watcher. Whereas my monk got outlawed on his first interection with Unst. I dont even mind being outlawed that much but combine it with the way tribs are playing these days, was a sickening combination. Nothing like sittin in a jail and having a trib walk in and taunt you by thanking you for the wares they got when they gang captured you. Blech, just a crappy experience of pk and rp. Anyway I am sure all parties will in time get what they deserve. Most people dont forget that kind of stuff and certainly most dont forgive it.

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Well monks are pretty cool' date=' I had a bit of fun in my brief life. Not really my style of class at the end of the day, but the way outlaw flags are being handed out like candy is pretty odd. It took me a while ot get outlawed on Sciferscons and he was a thief and a watcher. Whereas my monk got outlawed on his first interection with Unst. I dont even mind being outlawed that much but combine it with the way tribs are playing these days, was a sickening combination. Nothing like sittin in a jail and having a trib walk in and taunt you by thanking you for the wares they got when they gang captured you. Blech, just a crappy experience of pk and rp. Anyway I am sure all parties will in time get what they deserve. Most people dont forget that kind of stuff and certainly most dont forgive it.[/quote']


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All this trib ganging trash is starting to tick me off.

To be perfectly honest, I have been part of and/or watched numerous trib/outlaw battles, and very rarely have I seen ganging. What I HAVE seen is when groups of outlaws come in, and a group of Tribs respond. If an outlaw comes in that was not part of outlaw group A, they still get dealt with as part of that group.

Anytime you are fighting group v group, you have your group members focus on one target in the hope to drop them quickly. If your group is spread over 6 targets and their group is focused on one target, their group will win...

But as for ganging when only one outlaw or somesuch is on? Rarely have I seen it - and I have had a wanted character (recently) in the city with three tribs around the city, and only one woul dchase and engage while the others sat back and did not join in. To me, that gets props.

So, from one who is on the recieving end of Trib punishment, I salute the Tribunals. Kudos.

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And as a side note, a good many classes have ways of dealing with groups...

Thief = blackjack

Ninja = strangle

Necro = sleep

Paladin/DK/Cleric/Shaman/Healer/Etc. = summon

Some rely on tactics - hit and run, wearing down one target until dead, full loot, flee/hide/heal up. While person A is re-equipping, wear down person B... and so on

There are other tactics too, and cerainly a group attack is painful - but it can be dealt with. And if not? Flee and rank up your lowbie. Or die and learn... Your choice.

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Look at it this way then.

An outlaw is protected by nothing, no laws, nothing. Than can be attacked by anyone at any time. If you are an outlaw and log on with more then one tribunal you MUST EXPECT to be ganged in some nature. Its the way the system works. You have to ALSO realise the PLAYERBASE in general can also gang you if the feel like it. Its the way it works.

NO ONE MAKES YOU BE AN OUTLAW. IF you DO NOT break the laws you will have nothing to worry about it.

However the system works both ways. More outlaws then Tribbies? Expect those renegades to hunt you down in numbers if they have to. Its just the way it works. Theres nothing illegal about it, its a facet of the game. Ican remember when I was an outlaw with Dulanain, how much Crinchton had to deal with when he logged on with all the outlaws on. He was the justice leader, and because they were his laws, we were going to take his head. There were even had cabal enemies ignoring me to chase him.

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but the way outlaw flags are being handed out like candy is pretty odd. It took me a while ot get outlawed on Sciferscons and he was a thief and a watcher.

Ah yeah, there was no council when you were in watcher ;) means you have to get all those captures done. Now it doesnt even take a capture ;)

See above post, they will reap what they sow. Dont expect your enemies to hold back when they see you in trouble, especially if you just outlawed them or support the regime that did :D

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Word. Another little tid bit. When you have multiple people clashing against each other' date=' I like the epic type feel it gives. And plus it just gets so crazy. I can't keep track of half the stuff flying by the screen :D[/quote']

Lol this happened the other day, attacked unst, he fled and I attacked dulzor he fled, attacked bloody corin, he fled. Next thing I know I have all three one me with ghirk running around and some paladin chargin left and right. Was so bloody epic I was still running around when I got captured not realising :P

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