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Mister E

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If they're ganging, you'll have to look at it through what Aulian said. You're an outlaw, you're S.O.L. no matter what now. Can't buy anything from the cities, so you better hope you belong to a Cabal. Otherwise you're basically gimped. Besides, they're not invincible, you can easily kill them as they capture you. Saw Unst the other day get killed twice in farely quickly. It was him vs. two watchers and I'm not sure if they ganged him or not, but he still held on as long as he could and the last death ended up in a full loot, or at least a mostly loot. Healer came to resurrect him and he accepted, but quit right after. He didn't delete though and if it were me in that situation, knowing my anger and frustration as it used to be, I probably would've deleted over that, but then again that was a long while back.

So you shouldn't really delete over something like that, you can easily pick yourself back up again and get wares to fight again, especially since the player base seems to be like 15 tops at peak hours anymore. Just find out when those Tribunals aren't logged on and reequip then and get some other things done before you go out and try your hand at them again. After all, it's only a game, you should just accept it as that. If you're getting that frustrated at a game, take a deep breath and let it out. Keep doing this until you calm down enough to play again. Prevents deleting and also prevents high blood pressure/stress. Things I enjoy doing tend to get me frustrated at times as well, but as soon as I breath or rant, I tend to get over it quickly and have it done so nothing worse comes of the situation.

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These tribs have my respect. They're a lot better than the ones I fought against with entrox. I was killed numerous times while trying to get my first piece of equipment just to pad their numbers, the only tribs to fight me w/o three tribs as backup were goreddz and chrim, and most of my fights against them I was lucky to be wearing mithril. So...after you take 30+ deaths to no less than 3 tribs at a time, don't complain. These guys are great and gang no more than they are ganged.


btw, loved Mhelkin, sad to see ya go.

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