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Just deleted him, he was a fun character even though I only had him about 6 days. I couldn't stand the yearning and having trouble getting eq. Hopefully the next one will be stronger. I wouldn't have made a good member to Watcher either at the rate I was going anyways.


| Yeales || the Exalted Defender of Nature |


| Str: 21(21) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 55(105h) |

| Int: 19(19) || Class: druid Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 19(19) || Race : werebeast Align: neutral |

| Dex: 21(21) || Hp : 160/808 Exp : 51209/533391 |

| Con: 19(19) || Mana : 338/731 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 414/414 +Hit: 6 +Dam: 7 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Eshaine |

| Slash : 40 || Spell : 0 || Faith : Nature |

| Pierce: 40 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 0/425 |

| Blunt : 40 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 0/38 |

| Magic : 40 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 24 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 0 |


/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \

| You have 6 days left to submit a cabal application. |

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Yeah he had a short but fired up run, my next will be much better though. It was just that I felt I couldn't do as much as I wanted with him, exploring wise pk wise I was alright, not something you'd run from on sight but ok. Except against Corinkorth :P

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Just because you think he'd suck for a Cabal doesn't mean in the long run he'd be great for the Cabal. Usually if you're not used to a class after the first 40 or so hours in the Cabal you start to get the hang of it all and you end up better than you would've thought. I recall thinking that as some of my characters I would be worthless to my Cabal (IE: Healer in Savant) turned out I did farely well even though I couldn't do much PK-wise. I was able to do great in armies and defending the Cabal. It actually took two WMs to finally kill me and one of which is a nicely played player. I didn't see it so much as a gang as a great tactic despite the fact that at the time it sucked to be me. It's experiences like that though that go to show you that you are something more than what you thought you were to begin with. You only had 105 hours on him as well and still had quite a few lives left. Reequipping didn't have to be spectacular equipment, sometimes the standard armor is the best to run around in with. You can always upgrade with the various people you kill as well.

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Guest emp_newb

well I will tell you, do not drop a class because you have trouble at first, if you are trying a new class, or you will never branch out, you should stick with a char for a while, outlaw flag will make you a much better pker all around, even if you feel you are constantly getting trounced, as I felt I was with Gogrash :(. Said to see you go so fast though.

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I'll end up playing another Druid in a bit, my plan is to try out the other classes I haven't had experience with and I'll be able to pick out which I want to play a char to con death with. Looking back I should have shelved him even though it's not hard to pinn a Druid with everyone wanting to help you. My largest error was not asking for help and trying to go about it alone and I've figured that out now, some people have given me some great tips that I'm not sure I would've even found out with my next one. Great class and maybe even my favorite so far, just a few more to go and I'll decide what to do.

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