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Well, it was a bloody day for me. Just got tired of some trash and just getting owned all the time. I think I did well for my first cabaled chara, but what the hey, it was fun while it lasted. Anapolus, thanks for helpping me, and Dorane thanks for showing me the ropes of how to be a Trib. I will definately play another, but no more healers for me. Everyone who helped me, thank you. Lorfaine, I may have been your "antithesis" as you called me, but it was definately fun. Couple of times I almost had you there (though you would deny it). He has retired early this his father

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Wow! First char or first char back? You chose one dang tough cabal for a first timer. Gratz on taking a beating. Seriously. It takes some big *** ***** to stick to it when everyone and their mother is jumping down your throat. Didn't interact much with you. Kindof sorry I didn't now. GL on your next char.

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And on the getting jumped thing. Kindof happened the other way around before, or at least it looked like it did. Sometimes you have to just roll with the punches, pull yourself up, smoke, drink, get ****** up, then come back and pound the ever living **** out of them. And sometimes, your just going to have a bad time. But, I honestly think it can be just as fun when you have no armor. Your less worried about losing that phat armor you never had before. Then you can really explore the skills you trained up. I found out myself that I could do quite a bit without any armor. I just couldn't sit there and take a pounding. And the best person to ask about how to take a beating as a healer and still have fun is PALI! (Though his kind of fun is just SICK! SICK! SICK! SICK! SICK! SICK!)

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btw, I loved the char, and looked forward to hitting pinn and fighting him.

I do have to say, however, to anyone else who viewed this - please, PLEASE do not name your characters after your forum name. I knew who you were back when you were teh second rank, and that just pulls me out of the game. Maybe its just a personal qualm, but it irritates me.

That said, however, I loved interacting with you. Kudos on a job well done.

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