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Okay, I just stumbled across a post from Malch a year ago saying he's retiring. This got me to wondering because I haven't seen some of the Imms there were two years ago when I was actually playing. So which Imms are still around and which is their Imm? I know Imms tend to 'die' so to say and then they go to another name and race and such and usually either promote up a lvl or so or even stay the same level. I think the only ones who stayed long enough not to were Sirant, Virigoth, Mircea, and Irumeru. Basically every other Imm has pretty much changed their name like a baby does their diaper.

So like above, which Imms are here from then and which ones are new? And what are they over cabal/religion wise?

Now I know the old adage of find out IG, but I've been IG for a little over 2 weeks now and I just now found out Malch put in his retirement.

[Edit] Just saw the change log for who's Imm over what Cabal and such. Still don't really know who Imms are though.

[2nd Edit] And then noticed it was an april fools joke. I ****ing hate you Malch. I'm still curious though about this.

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Raargant - Knight

Malchaeius - Head Builder

Chayesh - Staff IMP

Irumeru - Head Coder

Prax - Tribunal

Isadora - Herald

Thinoth - Warmaster

Roykagh - Watcher - new IMM

Malanith - Syndicate - new IMM

Anithraril - Savant

Koevhar - new IMM

Anume - Old IMM with new char/Nexus

If I forgot anyone, I deny all responsibility. ;)

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Raargant - Knight

Malchaeius - Head Builder/Nexus

Chayesh - Staff IMP

Irumeru - Head Coder

Prax - Tribunal

Isadora - Herald

Thinoth - Warmaster - new IMM

Roykagh - Watcher - new IMM

Malanith - Syndicate - new IMM

Anithraril - Savant

Koevhar - new IMM

Anume - Old IMM with new char

If I forgot anyone, I deny all responsibility. ;)

No, but you are wrong as to who is over what.

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Irumeru - Head Coder/Avatar

Malchaeius - Head Builder/Demon

Chayesh - Head Staff/Undead/Vampire

Prax (Wathok) - Tribunal

Isadora - Herald

Thinoth (Belegriel?)* - Warmaster/Crusader

Roykagh - Watcher

Malanith - Syndicate

Anithraril - Savant

Raargant (Baelthamas) - Knight

Anume (Eshaine) - Nexus/Lich?

* I believe when Raargant took Knight back over, Belegriel became Thinoth. However, Belegriel is now retired, and thus if I'm correct, Warmaster and Crusader both lack IMMs at present.

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I figured it out a long time ago. There is one person somewhere, not sure if they are male or female, but they have a serious case of multiple personality disorder. Anyway, they are all the imms, one and the same person.

Hrm, still never seen Koevhar, sounds like a made up name, like some new kind of watch spelled backwards or something.

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Well it's at least a little helpful. I just know I logged onto the forum and saw a few forum names with moderator tag on them and had no clue who the hell they were. Then go in game and don't recognize any of the Imms. At least I know my favorite Imm is still around. Question is now, is my game good enough to be able to be as good as I was when I left? Not too sure yet.

And yes I fell for it. In fact, the only thing I really paid any attention to was that it said 4/1 and it didn't occur to me that that was April 1st, since I just read Malch's post and no one elses. Then I wondered why I hadn't seen it since I started back on forums first before the game and realized it said 2006. Then I read some of the posts which proved to me it was April Fools.

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