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I have a feeling that this has to do with rp and pk in the game. Having been on both sides of the spectrum, I have learned that pk may be fun at times. It can also be rewarding as people will come to respect you or look to you when they want a good fight. However, rp is a crucial part of this game as well. When you rp a pkill, either killing or being killed, the discussion afterwards can be just as fun as a pk battle. I'm going to throw out Martineius as an example of a pk but rp character. Sure he was very good at pk. He did have a very cool class and unknowingly had chosen a good cabal to highlight his skills. Even when he could have pked all he wanted to, he would sit there and rp with those who gave him the chance to. If more characters had listened or argued respectably with him, there would probably be more to the legend that was the High King than right now. It isn't pk that is remembered. It is the rp and history that others read.

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I agree with questioner. There is this concept that b/c you don't KNOW why someone attacked you, they must not have an RP behind it.

Maybe its just me, but I see most players using PK as a PART of their RP. IRL, if somebody gets mugged walking through an ally, the mugger did not sit there and have a long conversationa dn then say, "Ok, now its time to mug you." Fact is, the person just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Same thing - if I play a character that has some reason for compulsive violence, those who I attack are victims. I have a reason, but do they always know it? Nope. In fact, in some cases, the randomness of it IS my character's reason. If you take the time after the battle to open up an RP channel, you will often learn a great deal about why you were attacked, who the character is, and have an enjoyable time. The assumption of RPless PK is, in my opinion, largely due to people who get angry and refuse to discover the RP behind it. And its unfounded.

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Every ninja I've played considered staying away from public attention to be a good thing, therefore they would rarely publicize or admit to their kills, and far less often would they actually explain why they killed the person. Being assassinated completely out of the blue and full looted by someone you never even saw may suck, but that doesn't mean there wasn't RP there.

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i personally think the issues and anger comes from people who try to RP and ignore the deadly aspects of aabahran. You cant do it, death is as common as getting hungry. The cities are dangerous, and not being on your toes anywhere is just as dangerous.

personally i NEVER enter a city if i can see 10 of 11 people and i dont know who the hidden one is.

Rping is great, and i am quite extensive with it on all my characters, but pkill is just as much a part of it as any....people need to stop viewing them as two seperate things. Just because your having some conversation doesnt mean your immune to death, and just because someone doesnt talk to you before thye kill you doesnt mean they have reason...heck...needing your armor is good enough reason as any in FL.

RP is not a state of being, it is being. You do not RP with your character, you EXIST, and thus ALWAYS RP.

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