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Aabahran World Map


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Yea, I know an area or two is not there, some are intentional, other's I forgot probably. The 'links' are a general idea. I claim this map might not be anywhere close to accurate. Thanks.

Edit: And I know some links aren't there. Same reasons as before. Left out intentionally or I just don't know them. Like....DeadSea/Elven Cay to Great Chasm for example.

Edit: North of Falen Dara is the Chapel. West of it is the Butcherhouse? I'll update when I get the chance. But I'll put corrections here.

PS: Props rock.

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Couple of spelling things also..

Middenir. The cannibal village is Kashangal.

Also Witch Wood not there.

Yes, North of Falen Dara is the Chapel. West is the Slaughterhouse/Butchery.

The hospital is called Analgesia or something like that.

All in all, pretty sweet.

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Healers Island is a part of that sea. It only has the name Healer Island because well...Healers flocked to it a lot. Now they go elsewhere. And he knows about all the areas, I went through and helped him some with it. He got them all for the most part. Witch wood isn't really an area, it's in Emerald Forest. Forgot about Elemental Canyon and such though that Chayesh posted.

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{ --- } System { 50 } Cryptica The Dark Castle

{ --- } System { ALL } Virigoth Jails of Val Miran

{ --- } Quest Subsystem { All } Streanti Val Miran Bathhouse

{ ALL } Virigoth [JUSTICE] { ALL } Staff The Mud School

{ ALL } Virigoth [sYNDICATE] {10 50} Natasha Shasarazade

{ ALL } Virigoth [KNIGHT] { All } Cryptica Xymerria

{ ALL } Virigoth [NEXUS] {10 40} Staff The Elium Forest

{ ALL } Staff [JUSTICE] { All } Calandra The Decobru House

{ ALL } Rotarx [WARMASTER] {20 50} Staff The Western Underdark

{ ALL } Staff [HERALD] { All } Streanti Duergar City

{ ALL } Rotarx [WATCHER] {10 35} Chueh The Tomb of the Ancients

{50 60} Virigoth Isle of Souls {50 60} Chueh Discord

{ ALL } Conner Falen Dara {50 60} Chueh Desolation

{ ALL } Denadlyr Outerlimits { ALL } Staff Rheydin

{ 5 45} Cryptica Caranduin {50 60} Virigoth Clocktower Gauntlet

{ 1 20} Copper Plains of the North { ALL } Cryptica The Illithid Hive

{ 1 25} Stryth Mountain Trail { ALL } Cryptica Tarandue

{ 5 10} Denadlyr Goblin Village { 5 15} Cryptica The Great Elf Valley

{ 5 20} Alfa Holy Grove { 5-30} Cryptica The Caves of Kamir

{ 5 10} Diku Haon Dor { ALL } Virigoth The Order of Crusades

{ 5 15} Copper Miden'nir { ALL } Cryptica The Great Milieu

{ 5 25} Drkside Thalos { ALL } Myrek Ruins of Anduin

{ 5 30} Wench Dragon Tower { ALL } Cryptica The Eastern Road

{ 5 30} Raff Elemental Canyon { ALL } Cryptica The Northern Road

{ 5 30} Diku Sewer {20 50} Mircea The Labyrinth

{30 50} Streanti Flying Citidel {45 50} Gomanhor Mahn-Tor's Dungeon

{ 5 35} Hatchet New Ofcol { All } Gomanhor Sanctuary of Contraptions

{ 5 35} Poohb The Shire { ALL } Vaelinn Waterfall

{ 5 45} Strahd Crystalmir Lake { ALL } Staff New Miruvhor

{ 5 50} Sylvanti Cloud Kingdom { ALL } Cryptica The Dragon Sea

{ 5 50} Andersen The Great Pyramid { ALL } Bryntrys Sea Elven Cay

{ 5 50} Denadlyr Drkshtyre Wood { 5 20} Luorath The Slaughterhouse

{10 15} Bozbar Troll Village { ALL } Gomanhor Cavern of Shudde M'ell

{10 20} Anon Sands of Sorrow { ALL } Mhalador The Conjurer's Tower

{10 30} Skylar High Tower of Sorcery { ALL } Luorath Khorandain

{10 50} Azonere Vampire Mansion { ALL } Staff Drunken Mediator

{10 30} Denadlyr Standing Fortress { ALL } Gomanhor The Institute

{14 25} Chris The Barren Highlands [{35 50} Cel/Arit Crystalmir Caverns]

{15 25} Copper Chapel Catacombs { ALL } Bryntrys Tower of the Mind's Eye

{15 25} Dylan Dylan's Area {30 40} Virigoth The Tale of Avalon

{15 35} Chris The Keep of Mahn-Tor { ALL } Gomanhor Archaic Hold

{15 25} Generic Old Marsh { ALL }

{15 50} FeaR Emerald Forest { All }

{20 50} Chliton Gasteride's Fortress { ALL } Wathok Airia

{20 50} Denadlyr The Ford { ALL } Salana Ralardia

{10 50} Denadlyr The River Wood { ALL } Gomanhor Gualorium

{20 50} Denadlyr Citadel of Kaer Banor { ALL } Wathok Lagoon

{28 50} Denadlyr Keep of Myran Dammel { ALL } Irumeru Swamp

{30 50} Denadlyr Winter/Frozen Tundra { All }

{45 50} Denadlyr Winter/Evermore { ALL } Nyskath New Anduin

{45 50} Denadlyr Winter/Challenge Arena{ ALL } Virigoth The Southern Road

{40 50} Sarich S'handor Fortress { ALL } Gomanhor Mount V'ell

{35 45} Odoacer Temple of Sreyb { ALL } Irpel The Music-Box House

{20 50} Escherus Isle of Exile { All } Isabeau Anaelgeasia

{ All } Carain Escismir E'gal {50 60} Luorath The Rift

{ Imm } Imms Higher Planes { ALL } Galvatar Galvatar's Fancy

{ ALL } Staff ValMiran { ALL } Gomanhor Fetid Waters

{1 50} Shadowsp The Dragon Road {25 50} Celerity The Volcano

{10 35} Shadowsp The Northern Passage {45 50} Virigoth The Fortress of Ice

{30 50} Virigoth The Forsaken Lands {45 50} Virigoth The End of the World

{15 35} Shadowsp The Dune Sea {45 50} Virigoth The Tower at the End of Time

{20 30} Shadowsp The Forest of Banor {45 50} Virigoth The Fortress of Fire

{ ALL } Krounoi Blasted Plains { All }

{40 50} Ryspanth Ulraunt's Manor { ALL } Bregyn The Sunken Ship

{35 50} Virigoth Tainted Valley { All }

{20 45} Shadowsp The Great Chasm { All } Sylvanti Elderwood

{15 50} Eitan The Ogre Village { ALL } Bregyn Kashangal

{ ALL } Shadowsp The Eastern Eridani { ALL } Izlimak [TRIBUNAL]

{ ALL } Shadowsp The Western Eridani { ALL } Izlimak The Miruvhor Jails

{5 40} Shadowsp The Dead Sea

Witch wood isn't an area according to the area list. In fact, that is just a section of Emerald Forest that some people refer to as being an area. It's not an area if you look up at the sky when you're in it. If you do, it just says Emerald. And the Bloody Forest is just the Meddiner, so just like Witch Wood, it isn't really an area. As for a map, I still say it's a really good addition and still helpful for Newbies.

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