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FL Dreams


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I had an FL dream last night. Here's (very vaguely) how it went.

Abandon hope, all ye who enter here...

[E]nter Aabahran Game Status: Open for Play
[C]reate Character Site Status: Welcome.
[H]elp Files System Time
[D]isconnect Mon May 14 17:59:18 2007

([Q]uit) Enter Aabahran with which Name?> Some random name I don't even know.

Password?> Whatever.

MOTD thing.

Raargant tells you "What command did you just use?"

You tell Raargant "No command."

Raargant tells you "No, I saw you use 'unassassinate.'"

You tell Raargant "What about it?"

Raargant tells you "Mortals aren't allowed to use this command."

You tell Raargant "I didn't know that."

Raargant tells you "Ignorance isn't an excuse."

You have been slain!
You have died due to failing health.
** Disconnected.


I think I should start paying people to pretend to be my friends again.


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On the contrary, I don't even have a pinned character at the minute, never mind a Caballed one.

No idea why it happened, it just did. I think a cold beer and a stunning woman will sort me out. :D


Knowing you though, the woman would come in you'd scream spell out hide out loud hoping that you'd hide afterwards and then try predicting assassinate and hope that if she does try to assassinate you you'll twin counter it and stab her in the back wishing she'll die slowly.

But yeah, I think everyone's had an FL dream or three at some point in time. At least those who're addicted. I've had about a dozen or so myself a long time ago, but so far I'm lucky and haven't had one yet this time around.

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Knowing you though' date=' the woman would come in you'd scream spell out hide out loud hoping that you'd hide afterwards and then try predicting assassinate and hope that if she does try to assassinate you you'll twin counter it and stab her in the back wishing she'll die slowly.[/quote']

Who the hell do you think I am, some sort of mentally unstable murderer? :D


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I'm no masochist, I wouldn't get involved with a woman who was after my blood, or who I thought might be. Sex is so much sweeter when you don't have to worry about putting up predict every couple of ticks.

Oh, and to any new people reading this thread, welcome to Forsaken Lands forums, home to some of the coolest people in the world. No joke. :)


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Sort of reminds me of one time with an old friend who I had 'mutual arrangements' with. She once broke character (went blatantly OOC, she knew something about me that she couldn't have known without finding from someone else, probably one of her AIM buddies) so I transferred her into the bathroom, explained that what she did was against the rules, and kicked her out for five days. I felt a bit mean when I found a sack full of scrolls and pills on the bedside table shortly afterwards... I mean credit to her, it was pretty obvious she wanted to be careful and use protection.


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Dale' date=' do you still play? I asked Will, but he said he didn't know. And yes, still discussing Text Based Dreams.[/quote']

No, I don't play any longer. I put most my time in xbox live now, I've tried to play but I can't find the interest to sit here for ten minutes and play this game. I haven't even looked at the forum for a few months until recently.

I'd still own you all though.

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