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Thorg and Vexor


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I'm done. I've been meaning to quit these two characters for some time now. It was a fun diversion from work, but I found myself playing too much altogether (the same reason I left last time). I'm not getting anything done at work and it also cuts into time with my girlfriend, which is even worse.

Thanks to the imms who are still doing a great job. This place is as addicting as ever.


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Whew, just got back from a vendor show. Hate those things. Thought I'd toss out a few shoutouts:

Warmasters/battle, thanks for all the fun fights. Dregor in particular, glad you stuck it through when we had that 3 way vendetta against the world. You were a good friend and a worthy allie.

Zehava, you shoulda never betrayed us. ;) I enjoyed our fights. I learned a lot about fighting melee's against you.

Nexus. Boy, you were our toughest vendetta. Kyatha and Issasthys, you guys owned me for a while there till I hit Trusted. Even after I hit trusted, those battles were tough, with me loosing more than winning. Kyatha... curious as to who played her. A fun character to be around. Sorry I never found you that pink ribbon? bow? =P

Enisell/ Deykari? Love your characters. Letharius, I just saw you get tougher and tougher. Wish you guys stuck around longer.

Corinkorth, man you're one greedy mofo, with a valid rp reason attached to it. I swear that stormbringer is cursed. Every person I have given it to has died and lost it somehow. Glad I got rid of it. =P Unst and Rorrik, you were both good friends.

Bharg, I did tell you I was departing before I couped you. I'm true to my word. The coup was just part of Vexor's RP. Thorg was made to be loved, and Vexor was made to be hated. And it was too tempting not to attempt. Sorry, I did not itentionally do it to be mean to you. I was actually hoping to loose, and end everything there. But after succeeding, I felt bad and tried to play it through a couple more days.

Raezek, Iohn. Not to worry, didn't take anything personal from the last situation. You should be able to tell from Thorg, that I pushed for you two even if Vexor fell. Hope you both do well to fill out Warmaster.

Immortals, you guys are just cool. Gave me some good laughs, especially when that mammoth spirit came to haunt me. Not to mention, you guys are very responsive in the prayer forums and quite reasonable people in general. What can I say, I like you all.

There are just too many people to name. Sorry to anyone I may have forgotten. The pbase in general and the imms are great. It's a fun, but very time consuming hobby. In all honestly, I hope I never come back.

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