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Downside to having an item that gives you pass-door... every time I run through Tarandue for milk or Brambus I hit this:

A voice screams 'Look out below!'.

Suddenly a gnome drops on top of you from a great height.

Then picks himself up, brushes himself down, and scurries away.

A falling gnome's headbutt grazes you.

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My healers get hit by that EVERY time I need to resurrect someone near val, cuz brambus is my gate point usually.

I will never learn.

Learn the guildguardian names in Val. I always used Stavros with Pali/Asniar when I needed to get to Val quickly without recall lag.

Oh, and Krounoi? No. I like it. Makes my legs look evil. ;)

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heh, ya, I meant rheydin.

But if you play healers...my tip is to never, ever gate to anything inside a town, its dangerous as hell...its like putting a sign on your head saying, "Please, Pleeeease blackjack me and take all my kickass -550 ac armor with -80 svs across the board cuz I am a healer and sure to have it!"

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