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What Happened............


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Guys....I know we havn't lost that much of our pbase. I know you all love to play, and some don't have much time, but I know we have the pbase to be top 10, where we were and where we should be.

One of Viri's biggest pet peeves were that the pbase only saw the flaws, and didn't appretiate the good he did. All he ever asked was to vote, and I just think it's pretty sad where our position is on TMS. Especially considering all the great changes we have had in the last four months.

Let me put it this way,


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I think if we ban Deykari, the vast majority of the players will return, since they will have some inkling of hope when it comes to surviving at 50.

And if we ban Dale, another good portion of the playerbase will return, knowing the 30 range is safe again.

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I think if we ban Deykari, the vast majority of the players will return, since they will have some inkling of hope when it comes to surviving at 50.

And if we ban Dale, another good portion of the playerbase will return, knowing the 30 range is safe again.

Come on, you know the Imms already banned me from playing when there are already more than 5 pinned characters logged on.

Apparently, any more than 5 is classed as "Pkill padding".


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Well, seeing as how I never actually said I was quitting, I just kinda...stopped playing, I'm thinking I might roll up another character, in which case the thirty's will be less safe once again. :D We'll see though. I've just got so much else to do.

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To be honest I think it would be best to have more players come in no matter how 'trashy' they are. Over time they'll learn what the current pbase knows is right and what is wrong. Not everyone comes into MUDs knowing what is right and what is wrong, we all really had to learn things as they went along. And as of my vote I could've swore we were #7, but now we're back down to #8 by a couple votes.

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