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Is there any real point of having them, they take up a big portion of space when you have to have other slots, ie weapons armor recall flight etc then when it comes to needing them they never seem to work, or they succed very marginally. I got blinded today and five gyvels later still blinded and I could not reach the other gyvels in my backpack, Very frustrating.

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You need to carry about 7 or 8 of them in your inventory at all times. I carry 8, but I don't play Giants either so that low dex has to hurt your ability to carry stuff.

8 gyvels in your inventory usually cures about 2 blinds, but there are always those circumstances where it doesn't. After you use about 4 gyvels from your inventory take 4 more out of your backpack. (If your in the middle of a fight)

Otherwise be sure to always carry 8.

Some people, Shamans mostly, you will have a HELL of a time trying to cure blindness. Mostly because they have awesome EQ and cast it at a higher level than themselves.

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I carry 5 gyvels/red potions at any given time on a non-cure-blindness class. When I know I'm going to be fighting a shaman, ninja, thief, etc., I pull out all the stops, and fill my inventory with as many as I can. With the exception of shamans, I rarely have to pull more out, since they cure in the first three or so, and ninja/thief battles are fairly quick.

Anyway, point is, carrying five in your inventory and between 20 and 30 in your bag has always been sufficient for me.

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Do what I do. If you know there isn't anyone in your PK range that can blind you, why bother carrying gyvel's/red's, right? The ONLY time I ever carry things like that out of my backpack/sack is when I know there's a chance I'll have someone come into the area and blind me while trying to PK me. Shamans and Necros are about the only time I ever need them in my inventory, as other classes that can blind I usually don't run into all that often. When I do though, I usually pull out about 8 to cure, plus knowing exactly where you are helps as well. You can at least run blind to a templed so that you can cure your blind.

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  • 1 year later...

I use gyvels/red interchangably. I carry 6 reds/gyvels in my inventory at all times - you never know when you are going to need them. I've never had an issue curing blinds even if it does take a few quaffs.

In my sack, I have at least 20 more. 30 is better. I take them out as I use them.



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I agree again..

Best advice? Learn to run BLIND. If you can run blind, no one has a thing on you, being able to run from the shadow grove to the halfling temple healer has its merits let me tell you ;)

summon and thunderclap are your worst enemies then

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You know that different classes cast at different levels. If you are going to fight something with a very high level blindness spell (even worse if they have certain armor) carry as much gyvels as you can. There is also a teleport out there that is glowing, helpful if ALL fail.

Regardless of whom you plan to fight you should carry a few outside at all times, depending on your class/race 3 - 5 I'd say.

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I do the same as LA (6) except that I prefer gyvels if I can, and I never have that many in my sack, though I would like to. It also depends on what race you are as if you are a small race you need a weight-reducing sack and it doesn't hold as many items. It seems to me you are a taking a terrible risk whenever you don't have some of these in your inventory, whether you think there is someone about who can blind you or not. The main limitation of these is someone can just keep casting blind on you until you run out, which is basically good enough to kill many classes. For this reason I would suggest restoring the level of the reds to whatever it was before they were nerfed.

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Hehe, I didn't play Covus. Although, I did play Tessa / Zoqiut during his time before taking another break.

Doesn't seem like I'll get a chance to roll up a new char anytime soon. I am switching jobs in a month's time. Until then, I'm just casually browsing the forums and randomly logging on old chars just to kill time. I can't wait till this month is over...

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