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How good is your memory? FL Name Game.


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I challenge anyone to come up with 3 names for EACH class. It's hard! I can't even remember any Psions! :o

It'd be fun to see some random names too. Feel free to write your own characters but try not to double up.

Here's my feeble attempt:

Warriors: Charim, Raktor, Grunge,

Thieves - Nixie, Azantar, Vylan,

Bards- Merumae, Seliana, Rairen

Battlemage - Tarandil, Meridus, Unst

Invoker - Krondin, Ilztrae, Ghirk

Necromancer - Onileon, Pominsu

Good Cleric - Dorane

Evil Cleric - Elviana, Resuvan, Durimar

Healer - Shaw, Ecasio,

Shaman - Shendamarin, Olom, Covus

Ranger - Corinkoth, Thorg, Pzebka

Berserker - Vaernim, Grell,

Ninja - Tetsunai, Barnok, Alandrin

Monk - Tylith, Harashin, Khaede

Dark-Knight - Goliant, Morticant, Rhazkel

Druid - Yearonith, Damia, Aulian

Blademaster - Dregor, Janjara,

Paladin - Tyron (lol), Aylivar, Hamynie

Demon - Inant, Narnokles, Lunicant (was he demon?)

Undead - Mnoth, Rhivaan, Neraldis

Avatar - Tymox, Elloran, Tylith

vampire - Azaghtoth, Messelantha,



Crusader: Aerandal, Corim,Lidian

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man, vaernim. I remember I had a 35 monk and saw him in the dwarf forest and was thinking "dude I'm gonna smoke this fool with my superior dexterity and awesome abilities." So I vialed up and went at him and like 2 minutes later I was dead near the white queen and was thinking "dude, I'm not very good at this game"

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Narnokles was an avian, Lunicant was a demon, Messalantha was improperly spelled, Rairen was never a bard (that's the forum handle of a bard-player), Corinkorth was misspelled, Pebzkha was totally misspelled, Krondrin was misspelled, Meriumae was misspelled, and Khaede was the name of an IMM, not a monk.

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Warriors: Grundal, Deravgner, Dharg

Thieves - Fym, Sylp, Goomf

Bards- Bartog, Zeyrsi, Irpel

Battlemage - Ellikain, Elloran, Poplin

Invoker - Xequilant, Cylandas, Sachi

Necromancer - Cyprien, Xxytxx, Skaan

Good Cleric - Galgotha, Illisundar, Gwardof

Evil Cleric - Malforak, Olotha, Suunmar

Healer - Jeribwyn, Rhett, Seiluna

Shaman - Radreg, Akora, Ivlizik

Ranger - Thandaeus, Chrim, Kronit

Berserker - Srunc, Tien, Zoradon

Ninja - Vanicus, Jiuhzi, Rezian

Monk -

Dark-Knight - Caughagus, Narnokles,

Druid - Iehwu

Blademaster - Sarion, Goblicant, Rinthilaz

Paladin - Azrath, Alanthen

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Warriors: Grom, Wvorg, Nortak

Thieves - Teralik, Phiphirous, Nesaren

Bards- Sereniel, Merriwren, Irpel

Battlemage - Malfious, Letharius, Sarodin

Invoker - Mysterion, Mestaria

Necromancer -

Good Cleric - Elviena, Listaria

Evil Cleric - Galvatar, Durimar

Healer - Zaneiro, Amias, Seretha

Shaman -

Ranger - Gavina, Trienklor, Orlick

Berserker - Ultorn, Statham, Gundersharm

Ninja - Pheredin, Inmek

Monk -

Dark-Knight - Lunicant, Pruriant

Druid - Telufial, Ghadryn

Blademaster - Vhorkus, Taeim, Tomas

Paladin - Luris

Demon - Anarkant, Manipulant, Cyclopant

Undead - Azantar, Vanicus

Avatar - Saisha, Mhayeils, Ghrundor

Vampire - Amediarn, Cariousus, Melkhior

Lich: Venyacyr

Psionisist: Mysterion, Zelvhaeth

Crusader: Gharz, Karius, Risaughkim

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Warriors: Abraka, Kyatha, Bharg

Thieves - Taalahbib, Phiph,

Bards- Seliana,

Battlemage - Malfious, Letharius, Tarandil

Invoker - Ghirk, Niddle, Ellenelliswhatever

Necromancer -Kanal

Good Cleric - Tansi, Rorrik,

Evil Cleric - Suunmar,

Healer - Furik, Ecasio,

Shaman -Glaien

Ranger - too many, brain overloaded

Berserker - Ultorn, Raezek, Bbaln

Ninja - Pheredin, Inmek, Greylin

Monk - Harashin, Vhalen

Dark-Knight -

Druid - Ghadryn

Blademaster - Taeim, Lerris,

Paladin - Alanthen, Jistanius, Tork

Demon - Wymsicant

Undead - Assload of shelved ones.

Avatar - Mhayelis

Vampire - Sirican, Messy

Lich: Venyacyr

Psionisist: Who cares, if they stay active they all go to the same cabal.

Crusader: Galdora, Risaughkim

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Warriors: Skronk, Askarran, Dedgerent

Thieves - Phiphirous, Azantar, Taalhabib

Bards- Lathander, Meriamue(sp?), Helmsley

Battlemage - Morchial, Kirdraxan, Sarodin

Invoker - Clariana, Kelav, Krondrin

Necromancer -Kanal, Azun, Abberant

Good Cleric - Goliad, Jisil, Illisundar

Evil Cleric - Suunmar, Comaton*wink*, Izlo

Healer - Elendril, Ecasio, that halfling berserker one.

Shaman -Glaien, Covus, Kyzerius?

Ranger - Requior, Senrail, Thandaeus

Berserker - Kentry, Rua, Statham

Ninja - Inmek, Clavrus, Greylyn

Monk - Harashin, Vhalen, Hersnaie

Dark-Knight - Waojin, can't think of more.

Druid - Ghadryn, Aulian, Hworang

Blademaster - Dagizon, Lerris, Mimwa

Paladin - Alanthen, Jistanius, dunno.

Demon - Wymsicant, Malignant, Defecant

Undead - Khazad, Phip, Hersnaie

Avatar - Mhayelis..dunno

Vampire - Sirican, Messalantha, Marty

Lich: Venyacyr, that other one...that hasn't pinned.

Psionisist: Belgarath (old school)

Crusader: Galdora, Risaughkim, and that other guy...you know the one I mean!

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Thankfully, I've had enough no-name pinns that I can flesh it out easily to start, hehe:

Warriors: Kaliyanese, Dewei, Kuras

Thieves - Hek, Eac, Sslanthi

Bards- Airen!

Battlemage - Delvyn, Cedrik, Epurican

Invoker - Clariana, Airea, Iyorvin

Necromancer - Zuul, Wrghz, Algrom (sp?)

Good Cleric - Odo, Berthrist, Hubert

Evil Cleric - Xavius, Sinerath, Olotha

Healer - Miya, Alome, Pali

Shaman - Meijin, Myrek, Maleki

Ranger - Vyan, Seri, Plathar

Berserker - Erigar, Josli, Zugor

Ninja - Galadran, San, Calandra

Monk - Rukawa, Daemian, Caessa

Dark-Knight - Delandau, Ghaerk, Zaewyn

Druid - Evashen, Aureliahn, ummm

Blademaster - Sohja, Lerris, Taeim

Paladin - Orealt, Sanse, Hua

Demon - Miscreant!

Undead - Calandra, Xia, Zenizen

Avatar - Llyros, Dunlith, Dyendas

vampire - Yekosavik, Drendyn, Gorath

Lich: hmm

Psionisist: Gorthae, Baan, Percival, Zelvhaeth

Crusader: Kaylia, Aberock, Aegirsen

Knight: Orealt, Lexicant, Sofrenharn, Aegir, Tyr

Nexus: Krayce, Sinerath, Iyorvin, Zaewyn, Olotha

Syndicate: San, Hek, Aureliahn, Eac, Zelvhaeth

Justice: Dewei, Kaylia, Berthrist, Thedonelle, Alome

Savant: Miya, Kothamoth, Tiode, Vleard, Llyros

Warmaster: Kuras, Josli, Rukawa, Kaliyanese, Sslanthi

Herald: Airen, Daemian...yeah I dunno

Hunter: Vyan, Andolini, Tetsunai, Weineri..probably another? Eirik? :P

Tribunal: Morgwean, Pominsu, Odo..and uhhh

Chaos: Koigan, Phaedrous, Rae, Erigar, Zaen,

Watcher: Rejak, Rhazakahar, erm...

Conclave: Calandra, Maleki, Gorath, Xavius, Zenizen

Royal: Dunlith, Octoran, Pali, Seiluna, Myrek

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Try this one-

Name 5 of each.











Knight: Tyr, Tyroa, Barthagin, Barnok, Loucheran

Nexus: Azagtoth, Olotha, Resuvan, Festorvian, Radreg

Syndicate: Ivilizik, Gomanhor, Tetsunai, Vanicus, Goliant

Justice: Dedric, Dedgerant, Dadgerant, Hubert, Gorthae

Savant: Onileon, Azun, Suumar, Elloywn, Llyros

Warmaster: Vaernim, Grell, Charim, Ghrishnak, Kentry

Herald: Who cares :-P

Hunter: Andolini, Eliath, Tetsunai, Galadran,


Chaos: Miscreant, Maliginant, Ghaerek, Rae, Cirous


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