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Have been trying to return of late but cannot for the life of me get the hang of mushclient, Been used to the freebie zmud but now I use windows xp it is not compatible. Mushclient seems very foreign to me as a result of my dependency on zmud plus I havent the patience to plow through the help files of mushclient. Anyone know a simple command to setup a targeter and a way to set up some macros?

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started on gmud and found zmud to be easier i love the key pad to move about with makes me much faster. I also like the targeting system as this makes it each when dealing with more than one opponent. I do think zmud makes people lazy but it makes them better. If everyone is using gmud or another client without triggers then I will just give up as they must have at least eight tentacles and three brains, one for movement, one for combat, one for spotting slips ups, tactical advantages and for miscellaneous commands :D

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I've always used Gmud, no triggers but I do use macros of course. It's really not that hard for me but maybe that's because I started with it. I've never even tried another client but now you've got me interrested due to making gmud sound so hard to use. Are you saying you don't keep an eye on all that as you fight? I'm constantly mid battle using where keeping a mental picture in my head of my location and where I'll end up if I flee and how to tell which direction I've gone even if I'm blind while scanning every round for slip ups or anything I need to spot hell I even chat on msn while doing some fights. I'll look into Zmud though.

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OK, for simple aliases it's basically like this:

input would be: flame *

output would be: c 'flame arrow' %1

so if you were to type flame person, it'd come out as c 'flame arrow' person

It makes things very easy and very simple.

As for triggers it can be a bit different. Your objective is to input something that would come from the MUD itself and have it either output something or come out in colors or even both. I usually use these for highlighting rather than doing an action. IE:

* tells you * for the input

Output would be for me it turns everything a light blue out of that tell.

Simple but it stands out so that you can catch it. This MUD doesn't use a ton of color so it helps with adding extra color to stand out amonst other things.

Mattamue also has a site that he put up for Mushclient that has a roller and various other things. I'll post the link in an edit once I find it.


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Cheers tant

I did so snooping a found a plug in for it which i hope helps along with your info im ready to rock and roll and return to FL, its been four months but feels much longer. Thanks again.

Zmud makes the most difference in my eyes mainly for just the use of the number key pad 8 for north 2 south etc makes moving so much easier hands less likely to slip in a frenzied fight also. the targeter i had set up in zmud would enable me to simply enter target= (name of opponent) then I had my macro keys with commands such as bash@target, charge@target so they are automatically set for the name of my intented target, makes things alot easier. Instead of typing loads of text i push a button :D. These are just basics you can have colour set up for when certain things happen ie sanc falls your alerted by the text changing colour to red or one of your choosing to alert you. There are loads more aswell some people employ triggers to aid in chasing but that can hamper as much as it can aid.

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Mushclient allows you to use the numpad to also move around and such. You just have to enable it, but if you go into the options and you get all the options of adding aliases and triggers and such, click on the keypad portion under Input and enable it.

Mattamue has a download in there that allows you to target various people, otherwise you can create your own script to do so if you know how to. I usually relied on Mattamue himself to come up with some sort of various script even though I was pretty much happy with the roller. The added things were just a bonus.

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but no!! really..

If you dont like Mushclient or Zmud then wintin is pretty good...its free and its very stripped down. BUT despite its simplicity it handles all of the features you get from clients like zmud minus graphical automapping (which is buggier than hell at its best). It doesnt buffer anything so its very fast.

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